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Did Demogorgon lay eggs?

Demogorgons do lay eggs and are able to reproduce, so there’s a good chance there are many more from just the ones that we see.

How does the Demogorgon reproduce? In the only cases of Demogorgon reproduction observed, the cycle began with the deposition of eggs or larvae within a host by a tentacle within the Upside Down. The slug-like larvae later were vomited up by the host, and subsequently escaped into the wild.

What are the eggs in Stranger Things?

A large yellow egg was featured in Stranger Things season 1, but the mysterious object’s existence has yet to be explained. The egg resided in the Upside Down, but unlike popular belief, it was not connected to the Demogorgon’s lifecycle.

What was the egg hopper found in the upside down? When Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper entered the Upside Down to search for Will Byers, Hopper found and briefly studied a broken eggshell near Castle Byers that appeared hatched; it was hollowed out and cracked open at the top.

Did Demogorgon lay eggs?

Why did will vomit a slug?

Moreover, if this really is what is going on, Will’s quiet barf up of tummy slugs in the sink means he’s been infecting the town’s entire sewage system with baby Thessalhydras. Someone ready the fireballs and hope we roll a 13 or higher.

Is 11 a Demogorgon?

The Demogorgon Dungeons & Dragons figure, used by Eleven to symbolize the Monster. The Demogorgon received its nickname from Eleven using the Demogorgon game piece to show that Will was hiding from it. In D&D lore, Demogorgon is a demon prince with two heads that strive to dominate one another but are unable to do so.

Is DART The slug Will coughed up? The slug Will coughed up is a baby Demogorgon.

He affectionately names the slug Dart. Dart ends up molting into a Demodog and killing Dustin’s cat, Mews. The relationship with Dart later comes in handy for Dustin, but try telling that to Mews.

Is Dart a baby Demogorgon? It was a creature originating from the Upside Down that Dustin Henderson temporarily kept as a pet. Dart is from the same species as the original Demogorgon, albeit in an adolescent form, referred to as a “Demodog” by Dustin.

Why does Will keep seeing the upside down?

In 1985, Will was shown to have the mind and behavior of a child, mostly stemming from the trauma he had endured in the past two years from being trapped in the Upside Down to being possessed by the Mind Flayer.

Is Papa Elevens real dad? Dr. Brenner raised Jane under the “name” Eleven. Brenner built himself up as a father figure in the mind of Eleven, making her refer to him as “Papa”.

What are Elevens powers? Eleven has psychokinetic and telepathic abilities.

Is the upside down a real thing? The history of the Upside Down remains a mystery. Exactly how and why it came into existence, is unclear. However, its existence is heavily implied to be linked to the Mind Flayer.

Does dart like Dustin?

Dustin & Dart’s Fans Proved They’re The Most Loyal

Dustin and Dart are forever. Even though they had an Old Yeller moment that left their fans bawling, the Dustin and Dart community is committed to this duo. Dart may be gone, but his love for Dustin was one of the true highlights of Season 2.

What are the Demodogs?

Demodogs are the fifth form of a Demogorgon in the Netflix television series Stranger Things. Roughly resembling the size and scale of a typical large dog, demodogs are predatory creatures that obey the commands of the Mind Flayer.

What is the white stuff floating in the upside down? Spores. Spores filled the atmosphere of the Upside Down, perpetually drifting through the air. After the Gate opened at Hawkins Lab, spores began to float in the corridors. The spores were also present in the tunnels.

Does Dart love Dustin? Dustin and Dart are forever. Even though they had an Old Yeller moment that left their fans bawling, the Dustin and Dart community is committed to this duo. Dart may be gone, but his love for Dustin was one of the true highlights of Season 2.

What is the Demogorgon weakness?

Presumably his energy weapons could damage the demogorgons hide, since we know that a demogorgon is vulnerable to fire and heat.

Did El create the upside down? Evidence The Upside Down Was Created By Eleven

The Upside Down and its creatures have become their own separate entities, but they still have a link to their creator, which would explain how Eleven was able to recognize Will in the pictures at Mike’s house.

Who created the upside down? Created by the Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things introduced an alternate dimension known as the Upside Down in season 1, and it’s home to the nightmarish creatures that have put the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana in great danger.

Why did Will break Castle Byers? Castle Byers was a makeshift fort made by Will and Jonathan Byers in the forest near the Byers house. … Signs on the front read “Castle Byers”, “Home of Will the wise” and “All friends welcome.” Castle Byers was destroyed by Will in 1985 as a way to let go of his childhood memories.

What happened 11’s mom?

Strapped to a table, Dr. Brenner had her forcefully put through what appears to be electroconvulsive therapy (otherwise known as electroshock therapy). The shocks fried Terry’s brain and locked her in a vegetative like state; alive, but her mind destroyed and running the events through her head on a loop.

Is Eleven’s dad evil? There’s still not much to go off of to make a definitive statement on whether Brenner is Eleven’s actual father or just an evil scientist who kidnapped her at birth. … To Eleven’s surprise, the man asserts that Brenner is still alive — she had assumed he died when the Demogorgon attacked in the Season 1 finale.

Who is number 8 stranger? Linnea Berthelsen (born 13 July 1993) is a Danish actress who is best known for her recurring role as Kali “Eight” , the “sister” of Jane “Eleven” Ives in the second season of the science-fiction horror Netflix original series Stranger Things.

Linnea Berthelsen
Occupation Actress
Years active 2014–present

How old is 11 in real? Millie Bobby Brown (born February 19, 2004) is 15 years old. She was born in Marbella, Spain. In season 3 of ‘Stranger Things’, the character Eleven is 14 years old.

How did Will Survive upside down?

While attempting to evade the monster, Will hid in his backyard shed. He shot at the Demogorgon with a hunting rifle but was still transported to the parallel dimension. Will spent nearly a week in the Upside Down and it was a miracle he managed to stay alive.

Is the Vale of Shadows real? (Turns out the Vale of Shadows is a Stranger Thingscreation, and not something from the actual game.) “It is right next to you and you don’t even see it,” their fictional D&D Expert Rulebook explains.

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