How do I get Ashley smooth operator?

Give Madison her phone, ask for a reward, being the opportunity to prank Ashley, turn around and dump beer on Madison (must have Natty Lite in inventory). Talk to Ashley then Secure her top. Talk to Derek then ask Ashley to show you her room. Finish what you came to her room to do. ✔️

How do I get Ashley houseparty? You have to go to the bathroom in the first floor of the house, near the kitchen. And find the Towel in the sink. You need to get it and give it to Ashley. This will complete the quest “Ashley’s Wet”.

Hereof How do you get Vickie to party? Use the word “need” when you talk to her and tell her to tell you how to hack a mobile phone. Give Patrick’s phone to Katherine and go with her to the Study Room. Send a fake message to Vickie. After this, invite Vickie to the party and wait for her in the Garden.

What’s Madison’s phone code? Madison, Wisconsin is in the 608 area code in Dane County, Wisconsin.

How do you beat Frank in house party?

If you get caught with some booze or trying to take some out of the shelf, he will immediately beat you down, ending the game, and you have to load or start all over again. Even though you can make use of a glitch or lock him away, you won’t be able to take the alcohol at all.

How do you spawn a Vickie?
WarpTo: Make characters be teleported right in front of you

  1. Command: ‘person’s name’ warpto player.
  2. Example: Vickie warpto player = Vickie will appear in front of you.

Where is Patrick’s phone? Patrick, the alcoholic, has a bottle of Merlot/wine – get Frank to beat him up so he drops it. The girl in the computer room, Brittney, has Patrick’s phone.

Where are the painkillers house party? – Painkillers (in the shelf behind the opened door): Patrick is going to be very thankful for receiving them.

How do I make my house party lighter?

If the Joint is offered to Ashley, she will now ask for a light. You now need to light the Joint for her. This is done at the Fire Pit in the Backyard: Use the Joint with the Fire Pit to create Lit Joint. You can now give the Lit Joint to Ashley (Opportunity The Candyman Can!

How do you get the wine Patrick? He is completely drunk and carries a bottle of wine with him, which can be retrieved when you make either Madison or Frank beating him down.

How do you get Derek to take off his shirt? Get close to her after you’ve talked to everyone at the party (and unlocked some opportunities unrelated to the Amy quest) and she will approach you. Approach her again and ask to sign the petition to make Derek lift his shirt.

What do I do with Patrick’s briefcase? Open the briefcase and converse with Compubrah. Talk with Patrick and give him back the briefcase. Follow Patrick and listen to his conversation with Rachel.

Where did Derek put the keys in house party?

The key is just on the shelves on the top of the fireplace besides the picture frames and base. After getting that key, go to Madison’s Master Bedroom and there should be a new selection for “Lock”. You can now locked the door and talk to Katherine to get your reward.

Where is the alcohol in house party?

Locations. There are a total of 14 Natty Lites in the house, with six being hidden around the house by Patrick before Frank’s arrival at the party, and eight more found in the liquor cabinet in the Dining Room, guarded by Frank.

Where are the Whippets in house party? Walkthrough. The location of the Whipped Cream in the fridge in the Kitchen. Stephanie can explain what a whip-it is, being the nitrous oxide gas inhaled from compressed whipped cream containers. You can ask Derek for advice on where one would find the Whipped Cream, but he can only suggest the fridge in the Kitchen.

How do you take Merlot from Patrick? When Patrick’s wine bottle drops to the floor before Patrick is knocked out and keep in mind they are still fighting, if you use your little (hand) like when you use it to (pick up the kettle), hold onto the wine bottle and carry it to another room where Frank can’t see you then drop it then click on to it and add it …

What is Rhine wine?

Definition of Rhine wine

1 : a usually white wine produced in the Rhine valley. 2 : a wine similar to Rhine wine produced elsewhere.

Where is the red thermos in house party? – Flask (inside right drawer on the table right to Brittney): Can be filled with Rachael’s thermos and given to Patrick to get him drunk enough to fight Frank. – Natty Lite (under the left drawer of the desk right to Brittney, need to crouch with “C” to take it): see living room.

Where are the eye drops House Party? Eye Drops – on the shelf.

How do you get condoms for Amy in house party? Acquisition. Proceed with Amy’s opportunity “Scavenger Hunt” through the first phase (give her the expired Credit Card). Then, reenter conversation with Amy and ask about the next list item. She will ask for a condom from a stranger.

Where is the expired Credit Card in house party?

Location. Madison has idle chatter about how bad she is with keeping expired things, then mentions she put an expired credit card in her desk drawer rather than destroying or discarding it. The Credit Card is located in the right-hand drawer of the computer desk in the Living Room.

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