How do you say my name is in France?

The usual way to say “hi, my name is…” in French is “Bonjour, je m’appelle”. It is pronounced “bon-zhoor, zhuh mah-pel”. ✔️

What is Sava in French? Literally translated, ça va means “it goes.” Used in casual conversation, it can be both a question and a reply, but it’s an informal expression.

Hereof How do you ask a girl her name in French? To ask someone their name, a stranger or someone older than you, ask, “Comment vous appelez-vous?“. When asking someone your own age, it’s “Comment tu t’appelles?” To answer, say “Je m’appelle” + Your Name. Example: “Je m’appelle David.”

What does Gemma Pell mean? So now, just because I understood you question doesn’t mean you are allowed to pronounce ‘je m’appelle‘ as ‘Gemma Pell’. ‘Je m’appelle’ is the reflexive verb ‘s’appeler’ in the present tense, first person singular. ‘Appeler’ means ‘to call’. ‘S’appeler’, since it’s reflexive, means ‘to call oneself’.

Do French say Je M Appelle?

In French we say: Je m’appelle – My name is.

How do you reply to Bonsoir? Answer and Explanation:

When someone says ‘bonsoir’ (pronounced: bohn-SWAHR), you can simply reply ‘bonsoir’ as well. Notice that this is the equivalent of ‘good evening.

How do you respond to Tres bien? The following responses are polite enough for a new acquaintance, but general enough for a good friend, too: Très bien, merci. Very well, thank you. Je vais bien, merci.

What is your name duolingo French?

Comment vous appelez-vous? -Comment tu t’appelles? -Comment t’appelles-tu?

What is your age in French? To ask someone’s age, you would say: Quel âge avez-vous ? How old are you, using vous. Tu as quel âge ?

How do I answer my age in French? To answer, saying how old you are, you begin with j’ai followed by your age, for example, J’ai 22 ans. In French, the verb avoir is always used when saying how old someone is.

What is the meaning of Je M Appelle? Translation of “je m’appelle” in English. Adverb. my name is. my name’s the name is. my real name is.

How do you say I am in French?

How do you pronounce M Appelle?

m’appelle = mah-pehll.

What do the French call a bathroom? Note that the term les toilettes referring to the bathroom is always plural. You may also use the word les cabinets. If you do, you’d say, “Où sont les cabinets, s’il te plaît,” but it’s a bit old-fashioned.

What is Bonsua in French?

interjection, noun. good morning, good afternoon, good-day, good evening, good night [interjection, noun] words used (depending on the time of day) when meeting or leaving someone. Good morning, Mrs Brown.

What does Bonjour ca va? Translation of “bonjour ça va” in English. bonjour. hello good morning. ça va. it’ll it’s going.

How do you respond to salut in French?

  1. Bonjour Good morning/ hello.
  2. ça va means how are you? Very informally and is only used with people who are close to you: friends, family etc.
  3. You answer it with ça va bien or just ça va. …
  4. For a more formal greeting.
  5. Bonjour, comment vous allez-vous ? …
  6. Answer: Bonjour, je vais bien. …
  7. Meaning: hello, I’m fine.

What is French Bonjour?

Bonjour is a French word meaning (literally translated) “good day”, and is commonly used as a greeting.

What are some French greetings?
Informal and Formal French Salutations

  • Bonjour – Good morning / hello.
  • Enchanté(e) – Nice to meet you.
  • Bonsoir – Good evening / hello.
  • Salut – Hi.
  • Coucou – Hey.
  • Ça fait longtemps, dis donc – Long time, no see.
  • Âllo – Hello.
  • Ça va? – How are you?

What is C est bien? c’est bien : that’s good, fine, OK.

What is qui est ce qui? “Qui” means “who” ( a subject). “Que” means “what” (an object). “Qui est-ce que” means “whom” (an object). “Qu’est-ce qui” means “what” (a subject).

How do you respond to Ca va et toi?

The quickest response to “Comment ça va?” is “Ça va bien, et toi?” (“It’s going well, how about you?”). Memorize this question and answer combination because you’ll use it a lot. If you’re not doing well, you can say “Ça va mal” (“It’s not going well”).

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