Who killed Isaac Dover?

Pierre Hoquet’s frozen corpse is finally found. Three years after DL-6 was resolved, Edgeworth, with the help of his father’s old partner, Shields, solved the IS-7 Incident and was able to figure out that Gustavia killed Dover when Hall tried to poison Gustavia as revenge.

Moreover, How old is Maya from Ace Attorney?

Maya Fey
Japanese name Ayasato Mayoi
Age PW:AA: 17 PW:JFA: 18 PW:T&T: 19 PW:SOJ: 28
Occupation Spirit Medium in training
Family Mother: Misty Fey Sister: Mia Fey Aunt: Morgan Fey Cousin: Iris Cousin: Dahlia Hawthorne Cousin: Pearl Fey

• Jul 25, 2020

How tall is Edgeworth? About

My Rating
Height 5 ft 10 in
Cravat Level Triple
Suit Color Some type of red
Status Alive

then Is Manfred von Karma dead? Although the games state that Manfred von Karma died at some point between Turnabout Goodbyes and Reunion, and Turnabout, the Ace Attorney anime adaptation implies that he is still alive and imprisoned at the end of the episode Reunion and Turnabout – 1st Trial.

Why did Phoenix Wright Stop being a lawyer?

During a case seven years prior to the events of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, two months after Trials and Tribulations, he was forced to forfeit his attorney’s badge after presenting evidence that, unknown to him, was forged.

Who killed Maya Fey? After helping Phoenix win his first case, defending his friend Larry Butz, Mia is murdered by billionaire Redd White , and her younger sister Maya is framed and accused of sororicide.

Who murdered Mia Fey?

Mia Fey
Age PW:AA: 27 (deceased) PW:T&T: 24 in flashback case
Occupation Defense Attorney

Are Maya and Phoenix a couple? No, they do not. While Maya is a close friend to Phoenix, and Pearl strongly ships the two, there’s nothing romantic between them. Maya says she thinks of Phoenix as like a brother in Trials & Tribulations.

Does Phoenix Wright have a love interest? Phoenix has only had one girlfriend in his life: Dahlia Hawthorne. And that was basically the textbook definition of “unhealthy relationship.” Phoenix became dangerously obsessed with her, she tried to kill him, and he was secretly in love with her sister the whole time.

Who is the tallest in Ace Attorney?

Aristotle Means is the Tallest AA Character in general, at a TERRIFYING 1.966’5″.

How tall is Pearl Fey? About

My Rating
Last Known Status Alive and as cute as ever
Eye Color An adorable grey
Hair Color Cute Brown
Height Range Child: 4’1″ Adult: 4’6″ (wow she’s short)

Does Phoenix Wright have a kid? Trucy Wright — A young magician who is the adopted daughter of Phoenix Wright.

Who is von Karma’s granddaughter?

Manfred von Karma
Occupation Prosecutor (formerly)
Affiliation Franziska von Karma (prodigy) Miles Edgeworth (protége)
Family Unnamed granddaughter
Children Unnamed older child Franziska von Karma (daughter) Miles Edgeworth (surrogate son)

How old is Franziska?

Franziska von Karma
Japanese name Karuma Mei
Age PW:JFA: 18 PW:T&T: 19 AAI:ME: 19 (13 in flashback case)
Occupation Prosecutor
Family Father: Manfred von Karma

• Jul 25, 2020

Who killed Edgeworth?

He woke up inside a hospital; by that time, Gregory Edgeworth was dead, fatally shot in the heart by Yogi’s pistol. Miles developed a deathly fear of earthquakes and elevators from the incident. The police called upon a spirit medium, Misty Fey, to find the killer. She channeled Gregory, who accused Yogi of the murder.

Is Phoenix Wright in Smash? Phoenix Wright is a starter playable character in Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo Switch. He is the main protagonist of the Ace Attorney series, and was announced when the Ace Attorney Trilogy for the Nintendo Switch was revealed.

How old was Mia Fey?

Mia Fey
Japanese name Ayasato Chihiro
Age PW:AA: 27 (deceased) PW:T&T: 24 in flashback case
Occupation Defense Attorney
Family Mother: Misty Fey Sister: Maya Fey Aunt: Morgan Fey Cousin: Iris Cousin: Dahlia Hawthorne Cousin: Pearl Fey Boyfriend: Diego Armando (Godot)

• Jul 25, 2020

Why did Phoenix become a hobo?

Presumably because of Capcom wanting him to be included in the game with the new protagonist, Phoenix Wright was made into a passive and unmotivated individual, becoming known as “hobo Phoenix” by the fans.

Will Powers jack hammer?

Will Powers is an actor best known for playing the titular role in The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo. He was the defendant in the murder of co-star Jack Hammer, being Wright’s first client since taking charge of Wright & Co. Law Offices. He was also a witness for the murder of Juan Corrida.

Why was MIA killed Ace Attorney?

Mia also guides Phoenix as to what it truly means to be an attorney after he realises one of his clients is guilty of the crime of which they were accused. … After Mia’s mother Misty channels Dahlia’s spirit to prevent Pearl from doing so, as part of another plot by Morgan to have Dahlia kill Maya for her.

Why is Phoenix called Nick? Early brainstorming suggestions for Phoenix’s name included “Cole” and “Wilton”, but “Phoenix” was chosen as a name that would “stand out”. The nickname “Nick” (used by his partner, Maya Fey) was chosen based on its believability and similarity to the sound of “Phoenix”.

What happened to Maya after Ace Attorney?

Years later, Mia left the village and forsook her position as heir in order to become a lawyer and find out what had really happened during that incident. Mia left Maya under Morgan’s care, along with Morgan’s own daughter Pearl.

How old is Larry Butz?

Larry Butz
Japanese name Yahari Masashi
Age PW:AA: 23 PW:T&T: 25 AAI:ME: 25
Occupation Stall Vendor, Security Guard, Artist’s Apprentice, Steel Samurai

• Oct 4, 2015

What happened to Apollo Justice Eye? Wracked with guilt at the thought that he considered his friend and co-worker suspicious, Apollo chose to wear a bandage over his eye so he would not be able to sense any of Cykes’s tells.

Who is Pearl Fey’s father?

Pearl Fey
Nickname Pearls Pearly Small Fry
Occupation Spirit Medium Co-counsel to Phoenix Wright Investigative assistant Student (formerly)
Family Maya Fey (cousin) Mia Fey † (cousin) Misty Fey † (aunt) Unnamed father Morgan Fey (mother) Dahlia Hawthorne † (half-sister) Iris (half-sister)

What happened to Morgan Fey?

About a year later, Morgan was transferred to another prison, which also happened to hold her daughter Dahlia Hawthorne, now a death-row inmate. Although initially planning to kill Hawthorne, she chose to conspire with her to murder Maya.

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