Do lightsabers work in real life?

In the real world, a lightsaber could be created using plasma, as suggested by physicist Dr. Michio Kaku. … They attached it to tanks of liquid propane gas and oxygen gas to create the high level of heat required to make the plasma beam.

likewise Can a lightsaber cut someone in half? A preview of Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order confirms that lightsabers cannot dismember people in the game, although they can still cut robots. … The trailer surprised fans, who saw something that felt a lot like the Knights of the Old Republic, with a little of the Jedi Knight series thrown in for good measure.

How hot is a lightsaber?

Lightsaber blades are so hot right now

Going deep into it, he arrived at a staggering figure: A lightsaber blade burns at 20,566 Kelvin, or 36,559.13 degrees Fahrenheit.

Who invented lightsabers?

First appearance Star Wars (1977)
Created by George Lucas
Genre Science fiction/Science fantasy
In-story information

Is a lightsaber a laser? Affiliation. The lightsaber, also referred to as a laser sword by those who were unfamiliar with it, was a weapon usually used by the Jedi, the Sith, and other Force-sensitives. Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt and could be shut off at will.

Can a lightsaber cut a sword?

How Lightsabers Work. … The blade of a lightsaber can cut through virtually anything, except for another lightsaber and some substances that appear in the Expanded Universe stories.

What happens if a lightsaber is destroyed? Lightsaber blades or beams are essentially plasma, a form of matter, so the blade can’t be broken at all because it’s not solid enough to break; instead, the beam itself would distort or short out if something were to disrupt it.

Can you cut a lightsaber blade? Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt and could be shut off at will. … A lightsaber could cut through virtually anything, from flesh to blast doors.

Can only a Jedi use a lightsaber?

The weapons seem to respond to those who channel the Force, prompting an intuitive leap — fights with lightsaber, must be Jedi — that has only been reinforced by icons like Yoda, Luke, and Obi-Wan. But even non-Jedi can use lightsabers, whether they’re masters of the Force or muggle-born.

Is Mandalorian armor lightsaber proof? The armor plates themselves can withstand blaster shots, as we see in The Mandalorian, and can even protect the wearer from the glancing blow of a lightsaber — which can be seen in the Legacy of Mandalore episode of Star Wars: Rebels when Gar Saxon is disarmed.

Do lightsabers run out of energy? Though the lightsaber can charge itself, it does lose tiny traces of power with each exchange. They can eventually run out of power and need recharging.

Did Jedi use swords before lightsabers? In Legends, the first Jedi Order was actually the Je’daii – based on Tython. They used specially crafted, extra-strong steel sabers (that could be cut by a lightsaber). Then Tython and the surrounding systems were invaded by the Rakata.

Do any Jedi use red lightsabers?

The only Jedi who owned a red lightsaber

Adi Gallia was a Tholothian Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council, she has fought in many battles. She was not only a great fighter, but she was also a chief negotiator. … By the time she made her lightsaber, she used a synthetic red crystal.

How long is a Shoto lightsaber blade?

In Legends sources, Lightsaber Shotos (more commonly called “Short Lightsabers” or occasionally “Light Daggers” in those sources) tend to be about half the size of a traditional lightsaber, making them somewhere in the 15.5 inch to 17.5 inch range with my estimation, or around 24 inches for the Shoto length.

Can lightsabers work underwater? No. Usually the lightsaber won’t activate underwater, and if it’s activated when going into the water it will turn off. There are some lightsabers that are specially made for going underwater though, such as Kit Fisto’s.

What can’t a lightsaber cut? First off, lightsabers can’t cut through other lightsabers. They also can’t cut through ray shields. After the Zillo beast was awoken after the Battle of Malastare, Anakin discovered his lightsaber couldn’t cut through its plates. Lightsabers can’t cut through Mandelorian Ore or phrik allow.

Why are lightsabers impossible?

Not even close. The interesting parts of a lightsaber are a loop of plasma (the colored bit) and a containment field. Plasma is real enough, but creating a meter-long loop of it (so, two meters total) with a device that is roughly the size and shape of a sword hilt is impossible with current technology.

Can vibro blades stop lightsabers? In the New Canon, Vibroblades are not capable of blocking lightsabers and were nearly useless against them. … However, in the Legends Universe, any iteration of the Vibroblade came with a “Cortosis weave”, making them Lightsaber resistant.

Can lightsaber melt Beskar? Though it’s never been quantified in canon or Legends, beskar is presumed to have a higher melting point than the heat lightsabers produce. … The fact that lightsabers can’t cut through beskar isn’t new in Star Wars, even if it is surprising to see on-screen.

Can kyber crystals explode? Kyber crystals are rare, Force-attuned crystals that grew naturally and are found on scattered planets across the galaxy including the planet Ilum, where Jedi padawans would come as part of their right of passage to build their lightsabers. … However, these crystals are highly unstable and could be explosive.

Did Rey fix Anakin’s lightsaber?

Anakin Skywalker carried this blue-bladed Jedi weapon throughout the Clone Wars. … The lightsaber sheared apart when Rey and Kylo struggled for possession of it aboard the Supremacy, but Rey reforged it as she continued her Jedi training.

How did Rey’s lightsaber get fixed? Reconstruction. Eventually, Rey was able to repair the lightsaber sometime after the Battle of Crait. To do so, Rey bound the two broken halves together with a leather strap and used healing techniques she gleaned from the sacred Jedi texts to restore its broken kyber crystal.

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