How did Wanda get pregnant?

In 1975, she married her android teammate Vision, later using borrowed magical forces to make herself pregnant, resulting in twin sons William (“Billy”) and Thomas.

Is Vision dead after WandaVision? White Vision is very much alive and the “real” version of the character. Westview Vision is in limbo, but with insanely heavily inference that he’ll be returning to the MCU in one form or another.

Are Wanda’s twins real?

In the comics, Wanda’s sons weren’t even as “real” as they are on the show; at least not to begin with. She made them from magic. But they vanished entirely when she wasn’t near them or she was focused on something else. It was later revealed that they were really fragmented pieces of the demon Mephisto’s soul.

How did Wanda bring Vision back? Hayward was struggling to bring the synthezoid back to life until he hooked up Vision’s corpse to one of the drones Wanda had unleashed her chaos magic on. Using it as a battery, he brought Vision back online, stripped of both his memories and his humanity, and sent him into the Hex to neutralize Wanda Maximoff.

What happened to Wanda’s twins?

In WandaVision, the Maximoff-Vision boys were disintegrated as Wanda lifted the Hex from Westview. … These versions of Billy and Tommy, born to completely different families, were reincarnated versions of the boys Wanda and Vision lost.

Are Wanda’s kids real?

Wanda’s boys are real, but only inside the Hex, which is already crumbling. Without some kind of intervention, when it falls apart for good, they will likely fade away. Same as their father when he left that magical realm. That could break Wanda for good, unleashing her Chaos Magic on the whole world.

Did Wanda bring Vision back? Hayward was struggling to bring the synthezoid back to life until he hooked up Vision’s corpse to one of the drones Wanda had unleashed her chaos magic on. Using it as a battery, he brought Vision back online, stripped of both his memories and his humanity, and sent him into the Hex to neutralize Wanda Maximoff.

What was Wanda doing at the end of WandaVision? At the end of the nine episodes of WandaVision, Wanda goes into hiding, holing up in a cabin where she studies the Darkhold, aka a magical textbook.

Are the babies real in WandaVision?

It’s because they’re actually the reincarnations of the Scarlet Witch and Vision’s dead twins, unknowingly raised by two different sets of completely normal birth parents.

How is Vision alive in WandaVision? Not only did Vision die in Avengers: Infinity War, but he died twice. In fact, the majority of the movie surrounded Vision and whether he would live or die. … He used the Time Stone to turn the clock back, and plucked the stone out of a once-again-alive Vision’s head, killing him for a second time.

Is Vision dead? In “Avengers: Infinity War,” Shuri in Wakanda tried to figure out a way to safely detach the stone from Vision without destroying his mind. She didn’t succeed in time, and Thanos killed Vision by violently yanking the stone out of his forehead.

Does Wanda have the reality stone? In the comics no. She is a mutant and arguably has more potential then the reality stone (House of M), but has limited control over her power. In the MCU she got her power from the mind stone.

Is Quicksilver in WandaVision?

X-Men actor made a surprise appearance in Marvel series

WandaVision creator Jac Schaeffer has finally explained why Evan Peters was cast as Pietro Maximoff in the Disney Plus series. The X-Men actor made a mid-season appearance in WandaVision as Wanda’s (Elizabeth Olsen) brother, also known as Quicksilver.

What happened to Agnes in WandaVision?

Although she is soundly defeated in the show’s final episode, the door is left wide open for her to return at some point. A large portion of the finale is devoted to the fight between Wanda and Agatha. … When it seems like Agatha has absorbed all of Wanda’s magic, she goes to use it, and nothing happens.

Can Vision come back? Vision, as we came to know him in Avengers: Age of Ultron, met his demise at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. The character made his unlikely return in WandaVision, as Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda essentially managed to bring him back from the dead.

Are the Twins alive in WandaVision? WandaVision’s Post-Credits Hinted The Twins Survived

While she is in her astral form reading the Darkhold, Wanda hears the familiar voices of Billy and Tommy asking her to help them. Their calls for help could be Wanda remembering the same cries she heard when Agatha had captured them at the end of episode 8.

Why did Wanda recast Pietro?

Evan Peters’ Quicksilver follows a long tradition of sitcom recastings. … Replacing Taylor-Johnson’s Quicksilver with Evans’ version just makes sense. WandaVision had to recast Pietro to further solidify its sitcom influences, and it undoubtedly sets up some bigger surprises in the weeks to come.

Is Doctor Strange in WandaVision? Share All sharing options for: Why Doctor Strange didn’t show up in the ‘WandaVision’ finale. Doctor Strange was meant to appear in “WandaVision” — but the decision was made to cut him in order to keep the focus on Wanda, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recently told Rolling Stone.

What does the post credit scene in WandaVision mean? Once we’re inside Wanda’s cabin, there’s a sliver of light that shines through a window. In the new post-credits scene, the light is gone. That means the editors went in and masked the light with a darker panel. But as the video explains, someone forgot to remove the panel from the frames before it.

Who are the twins in WandaVision? Wanda’s twin boys Billy and Tommy are an important part of the comic book universe and characters that fans were excited to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, along what it means for the future (a la Young Avengers).

Who is Geraldine?

Based on the end of Episode 3 of WandaVision, when Geraldine is ejected from Wanda’s universe and plopped into a field in New Jersey, it’s safe to assume she is actually Monica Rambeau. Plus, president of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige confirmed to The Wrap that Geraldine is, in fact, Monica Rambeau.

Was Wanda always a witch? Wanda was always destined to become the Scarlet Witch, so the Mind Stone wasn’t going to change that. It might have altered her powers slightly, but that magic was always there. The Infinity Stone is just what finally brought that magic forward.

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