How do I get better at PlanetSide?

How do I leave sanctuary PlanetSide 2?

Players will appear on Sanctuary when logging into the game, and can leave or return at any time via the World Map menu, accessible from the Map or at any warpgate terminals.

What do you do in PlanetSide 2? PlanetSide 2 is a revolutionary massive scale first-person shooter where soldiers battle as one in strategic, targeted missions against enemy empires in an all-out planetary war. The game challenges the skill and grit of the most seasoned soldier through intense infantry, air, and ground vehicle gameplay.

What do you do with merits in Planetside 2?

Merit. ) is a resource primarily linked to the Tactical loadout slot, as well as the Colossus. It can also be used to purchase certain cosmetics from the Outfit Quartermaster.

How do you spend merit points in Planetside 2? Merit is a new currency type that can be earned by completing meritorious actions (base capture or control) with your Outfit, and can be spent at Outfit Vendors on Sanctuary. All Merit Boosts, Heroic Merit Boosts, and implant packs are only available for the character you use to purchase the bundle, so choose wisely!

Which faction is the best in Planetside 2? If you like weapons that are extremely comfortable to keep firing and firing for a long time, hosing people down with relentless amounts of damage and huge magazine sizes, controlling an area by locking it down with a killzone of gunfire: Pick Terran Republic.

What should I spend my certs on Planetside 2?

Will Planetside 2 come to Xbox? No Xbox plans right now. We’re aiming to have The Shattered Warpgate ready for PS4 by end of October, though will need to wrap our PC launch before we can fully determine the scope of work required. … Not with the way they push patches on ps4.

How do you get Polystellarite?

These are typically earned when your Outfit owns a Major Facility or Construction-Enabled Lattice Base. Polystellarite is a rare resource type. It may be earned periodically when your Outfit owns an extremely valuable base. There is one such base located at the center of every continent.

Where is the depot in PlanetSide 2?

The Tawrich Depot is an Outpost located on Indar, to the northwest of the Tawrich Tech Plant.

What are Nanites PlanetSide 2? Nanites are nanoscopic robots primarily used for the fabrication of weapons, vehicles, armor, and other combat equipment for use by the soldiers of every empire.

Where is my a7 ps2? you’ll see them scattered in pretty much every building on all of the bases. there are long tables and short tables, both can have the a7. interact with the glowing light to get your a7! i’ve also found them outdoors on the weird looking battery things at an Amp station.

How do you become a robot in PlanetSide 2?

Can you change factions in PlanetSide 2? You can create a new character for the other faction, however you will lose all your unlocks. They currently have no way to switch you to another faction and maintain your unlocks.

What are the three factions in PlanetSide 2?

  • Factions.
  • Vanu Sovereignty Faction.
  • New Conglomerate.
  • Terran Republic.

How do I make a squad in Planetside 2? Squads can be formed at any time by pressing the Open Squad/Platoon Page key ( P by default) and clicking Create Squad, entering the /squad create command in the chat, or inviting another player to a squad whilst neither player is in one.

How do you fight in Planetside 2?

How do you join a platoon in Planetside 2? The purpose of a Platoon is to enable multiple Squads to act as one coordinated force. Press Insert to auto join a Squad on the same continent, press P to open the Squad/Platoon Page, and hold numpad 1 to Platoon Voice Chat via your microphone.

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