How do you save the baron’s wife?

When the company arrives, they find her in a crazed state due to Geralt’s actions during “The Whispering Hillock.” The Baron, however, remains confident he can save his wife by taking her to a hermit in the Blue Mountains.

likewise What happens if you trick the being in the tree? The player will be given another choice. You can continue to free the spirit by starting the ritual, trick the tree, or kill the spirit. Freeing the spirit or tricking it will end the quest. Choosing to kill it will start a fight with it.

What happens to Anna If you free the tree spirit?

It leaves Anna, the Bloody Baron’s wife, to suffer at the hands of the Crones. If you kill the spirit, Anna can be freed of the crones, and taken away by the Bloody Baron to be healed.

Where is the bloody Barons wife? The Baron’s wife Anna Strenger, is basically a slave with the Ladies of the Woods (the Crones) at Crookback Bog. While doing the quest Ladies of the Woods, you will get to see her at the house in Crookback Bog, taking care of the orphans there.

Should I find Tamara before talking to the baron? Talk to the Baron

Return to Crow’s Perch to speak with the Baron regarding what Geralt has found or optionally go to Oxenfurt to locate Tamara. Note: If you talk to the Baron first before searching for Tamara, he will run after you with a doll to give to her, making for an emotional conversation when you find her.

How do you save Anna orphans Witcher 3?

There’s no way to save both. Anna is punished specifically because the children got away. Saving her means leaving them where they are, most likely to have been eaten by the time Geralt returns with the Baron for Anna.

Is Gran The Baron’s wife? Gran bore strange marks on her hands that burned with living fire. In time they proved to signs of indentured servitude to the Crones. … When Geralt saw the marks on the woman’s hands, he quickly realized she must be the Bloody Baron’s wife, though changed beyond all recognition by the hardship she had suffered.

What happens if you free the spirit in the Whispering hillock? Spirit is free: If the spirit is freed, it saves the children from the Crones, and eventually places them in the care of Marabella at Novigrad. However, the spirit attacks Downwarren, killing most of the villagers. The Crones punish Anna for losing the children and curse her as a water hag.

Should you save Anna or the orphans?

Based on evaluation, the most optimal decision if players want to save the Downwarren villagers, the Baron, and Anna would be to kill the Ghost in the Tree. However, that opens up another can of worms for the orphans of Crookback Bog.

How do you save Anna? The requirements for saving Anna is that you carry out the crones’ wishes (kill the spirit) IF you speak to them and haven’t killed the spirit yet, ie. spirit still alive; spoken to crones; must kill spirit.

Is there a way to save Anna Henrietta Witcher 3? You’ll need to have done all of the following in order to convince Syanna to spare Anna Henrietta: Before entering the Fairy Tale world, read all the governess’ five journal entries in the palace nursery.

Can you save Anna Henrietta? You’ll need to have done all of the following in order to convince Syanna to spare Anna Henrietta: Before entering the Fairy Tale world, read all the governess’ five journal entries in the palace nursery.

What happens if you go with the baron to the swamp?

Upon arriving at the swampy village, the Baron will reuinte with his daugter Tamara and several Witch Hunters. After searching the village, they will find Anna under a powerful curse, transformed into a hideous Water Hag.

Can you bring Tamara to the baron?

If you decide to visit Tamara, call your horse and ride the long way to Oxenfurt. The Baron will give you a pass in order to get into the city. Once inside visit the brother’s house and talk with Tamara. After talking with Tamara fast travel back to the Baron and fill him in on what happened.

Can you find Tamara after family matters? Optional: Find Tamara, the baron’s daughter, in Oxenfurt

You don’t have to go find her at all and you can always go look for her after you talk to the baron. … Head northeast to the city of Oxenfurt.

Is it worth saving Anna Witcher 3? The Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt game is about making decisions and choices, they all affect the game story and the game environment. Mostly they will be no good outcome, the player will have to make a hard decision. In this context, Anna Strenger can be saved but with a negative consequence to her.

Can Anna survive Witcher 3?

This result in the death of the orphans, but both Anna and the Baron will be alive instead. Freed the Whispering Hillock after starting Ladies of the Wood- The Whispering Hillock will be free and live, Baron and Anna will die, the orphans will live, and Downwarren will be destroyed.

What happens to the bloody Baron’s wife? If his wife becomes Hag and you saved the Tree spirit then she will die. Later in the game Baron hangs himself mourning his wife and childrens can be found in the Novigrad school.

What happened to the bloody Barons wife? and released it after he got his task: The group found Anna, but in the form of a water hag. Desperate to find a way to cure her, Graden and Geralt investigated and found several dolls, one of which was linked to Anna. If Geralt picked the wrong doll: Anna burst into flames and died.

Can I save Anna Witcher 3? The Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt game is about making decisions and choices, they all affect the game story and the game environment. Mostly they will be no good outcome, the player will have to make a hard decision. In this context, Anna Strenger can be saved but with a negative consequence to her.

What happened Anna Strenger?

If Geralt picked the wrong doll: Anna burst into flames and died. Suddenly very stoic, Phillip merely told the witcher to come to Crow’s Perch for his pay. Before Geralt did though, Phillip proceeded to hang himself off the tree in Crow’s Perch’s courtyard.

Do I free the whispering hillock? If you free the creature, it destroys the nearby village of Downwarren. The orphans escape into the swamp, but locals believe they will die alone out there. Gran, who is the Baron’s wife, Anna, will be transformed into a Water Hag and ultimately die.

How do you save the stables in Witcher 3? To save them, cut left across the courtyard toward the flaming stable. Climb the ladder left of the door. Use Aard to blast away any debris (and make sure to loot the chest on your left). Follow the path right, and drop down.

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