How much is $1 worth in Paris?

US dollars to French francs conversion table

amount convert Result
1 USD USD 5.79 FRF
2 USD USD 11.59 FRF
3 USD USD 17.38 FRF
4 USD USD 23.18 FRF

How much is $100 US in Greece? US dollars to Greek drachmas conversion table

amount convert Result
15 USD USD 4 501.40 GRD
20 USD USD 6 001.87 GRD
25 USD USD 7 502.34 GRD
100 USD USD 30 009.34 GRD

What is the currency of Japan?

yen, monetary unit of Japan. The yen was divided into 100 sen and into 1,000 rin until 1954, when these tiny denominations were removed from circulation.

How much is $500 US in Italy? US dollars to Italian liras conversion table

amount convert Result
20 USD USD 34 206.09 ITL
25 USD USD 42 757.62 ITL
100 USD USD 171 030.46 ITL
500 USD USD 855 152.30 ITL

What is Bora Bora currency?

The currency used in French Polynesia is the French Pacific Franc, abbreviated XPF or CFP. Denominations are available in 1/2/5/10/20/50 and 100 coins, and 500/1,000/5,000 and 10,000 bills.

Is Greece safe?

Greece is a very safe country to travel to. Tourists are unlikely to experience any crime or violence. The only concern is petty crime on the streets, but if you apply the basic precaution measures, your trip should go smoothly.

How much is a Coke in Greece? Cost of living in Greece is, on average, 20.18% lower than in United States.

Cost of Living in Greece.

Restaurants Edit
Imported Beer (12 oz small bottle) 4.00€
Cappuccino (regular) 2.87€
Coke/Pepsi (12 oz small bottle) 1.69€
Water (12 oz small bottle) 0.50€

Is it expensive to live in Greece? Cost of Living

Greece is super-affordable, especially when compared to North America and much of the rest of Europe. Prices for daily essentials (food, transport, etc.) are at least 20% cheaper than in the U.S., and costs to rent an apartment can be as much as 70% less.

What is money called in China?

Chinese money, however, comes by two names: the Yuan (CNY) and the people’s renminbi (RMB). The distinction is subtle: while renminbi is the official currency of China where it acts as a medium of exchange, the yuan is the unit of account of the country’s economic and financial system.

What is the currency of Mexico? What Is MXN (Mexican Peso)? MXN is the currency abbreviation for the Mexican peso, which is the official currency of Mexico. The Mexican peso is made up of 100 centavos and is often presented with the symbol $ or Mex$.

How much is rent in Italy? In U.S. dollars, on average, the monthly rent for a 900-square foot apartment in Italy is around $1,079. A 480-square foot apartment in a cheaper area stands at around $732 per month. This varies from city to city.

Is Italy cheaper than the US? Overall, it’s cheaper to live in Italy or the USA ? The United States is 34% more expensive to live in than Italy. The only areas where American prices are more affordable are clothing and gas.

Where is the US dollar worth the most in the world?

1. Argentina. Places where the dollar goes far are also the most beautiful! Cost of living in Argentina is low, with rent, food, and utilities all coming in a lot lower than you’ll be used to at home in the States.

Can you use US dollars in Tahiti?

Euros and US Dollars are not widely accepted in the islands; therefore, local currency is best. We recommend exchanging your currency at the Los Angeles International Airport, or at a bank or ATM when you arrive in Tahiti. … You will only receive a favorable exchange rate by taking them to a bank.

How can I get money from Tahiti? The easiest and best way to get local currency is from an ATM, known as a billetterie in French and sometimes referred to in English as a “cash machine” or “cashpoint.” Banque de Polynésie, Banque Socredo, and Banque de Tahiti have offices with ATMs on the main islands, and many post offices have billetteries that …

What is considered rude in Greece? Greeks are very hospitable to foreign visitors. Bring a gift to show your gratitude. Don’t thrust the palm of your hand in front of someone’s face, it is considered a very rude gesture, so don’t attempt to do this even jokingly!

Is Greece a 3rd world country?

Greece has already left the European Union in a manner of speaking: it is now part of the Third World. … The experience of other Third World countries, which have gone through their own debt crises, offers some lessons in that regard.

Is America safe? America is no stranger to crime. A lot of the safety concerns that visitors have will almost certainly be related to crime – and the potential threat of being a victim of crime. Unfortunately, it is true that – statistically, at least – the USA is far from the safest country in the world.

Do people in Greece speak English? Although the official language in Greece and Athens is Greek, English is also widely spoken, so you shouldn’t experience any problems when visiting the city. English is very widely spoken in Greece, especially in the most touristy parts of the city.

Are Vapes legal in Greece? E-cigarettes are legal but the Greek government banned zero-nicotine fluids in 2018 in an attempt to stop vapers mixing their own fluid. Greeks cannot buy e-cigarettes or vaping fluids from other EU countries by mail order. … Vaping has been banned wherever smoking is banned since 2016.

Can you live in Greece without speaking Greek?

You won’t suffer if you don’t speak Greek, but you will miss out on opportunities to chat with the locals, who are a very colourful, interesting bunch. You can learn so much from them and gain local knowledge, such as where to buy the best spanakopita [spinach pies] and who can fix your roof and so on.

Do they speak English in Greece? Although the official language in Greece and Athens is Greek, English is also widely spoken, so you shouldn’t experience any problems when visiting the city. English is very widely spoken in Greece, especially in the most touristy parts of the city.

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