How old is Shepard in Mass Effect?

“Shepard was born on April 11, 2154,” quoted from the resident article on Commander Shepard. The series begins in 2183, so Shepard 28/29 years old.

likewise Will there be a Mass Effect 4? BioWare has confirmed that Mass Effect 4 is in development and the latest poster released on Twitter teases some tantalizing details. … The game may be a long way off, but from all the little pieces of Mass Effect 4 revealed so far, a picture is starting to emerge.

How old is Tali Zorah?

Turians, like quarians, have a lifespan comparable to that of humans. Tali’Zorah nar Rayya is 22 in Mass Effect 1, born in 2161. Liara T’soni was born in 2077, which would make her 106 at the start of ME1.

Is Shepard a cyborg? Shepard is an Indestructible Cyborg. … By Mass Effect 2, Cerberus has made Shepard pretty much unstoppable. She is barely even human anymore, as the cybernetics glow through her eyes and scars.

How old is Peebee? Pelessaria B’Sayle, nicknamed Peebee, is an asari member of Ryder’s squad. She is young for an asari, giving her age as “100 and change.” A lone wolf and adventurer at heart, she originally came to Andromeda aboard the Nexus but quickly left and went adventuring on her own before encountering Ryder’s team.

Is Shepard alive?

In almost every ending of Mass Effect 3, Shepard will die in exchange for stopping the Reapers. Both the “Control” and “Synthesis” endings will always lead to Shepard’s death, as his consciousness will need to be infused into the Crucible for them to work.

Is Shepard in Mass Effect: Andromeda? Shepard has made cameo appearances in other Electronic Arts games and is referenced in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Which Shepard is canon? “Yup, Commander Shepard was originally a woman,” said Cooper. That settles it once and for all: FemShep is the one true Commander Shepard. This is definitely canon, right, BioWare? Check out our coverage of BioWare’s most recent N7 Day roundtable for more on the next Mass Effect game.

Can Tali and Shepard have a child?

Tali would not be able to have kids but not for the reason you said. She and Shepard already had sex. They are however incompatible when it comes to having kids.

Does Tali show her face? Tali’s face was eventually shown at the end of Mass Effect 3 to those who romanced the character via a picture in Shepard’s cabin. Her design was based on the Photoshop of a human stock photo model – something which angered some of the character’s fans.

What accent does Tali have? In Mass Effect 1, Tali has a fairly American accent. In 2 and 3, the Russian accent is much more prevalent. Did anybody else notice this? Garrus’ voice also changes substantially but because his put on accent is more subtle the transition was less noticeable.

Are there male Asari? Asari are a mono-gendered species with no concept of gender differences. … Even among the asari, many individual asari are referred to as “she” and “her“ but some asari prefer male pronouns, while others gravitate toward gender-neutral where language allows.

Is Paragon or Renegade better?

Being Paragon or Renegade will greatly impact Shepard’s dialogue and quick-time actions throughout the games. Overall, it can be said that Renegade Shepard’s dialogue is much funnier and more memorable. After all, Paragon Shepard is patient and kind which leaves little room for “creativity”.

What is Peebee’s real name?

Peebee is her nickname. Her full name is Pelessaria B’Sayle.

How old is Drack? Since the Andromeda Initiative launched in 2185, simple math shows Drack to be 1,485 years old. Unless you count the 600 year journey, making him 2,085 years old.

How old is Tali vas? Jacob is 29. Tali is 25. Mordin is somewhere in his 30s.

Is synthesis the canon ending?


Which ending is canon ME3? There’s no such thing as “canon” ending. … While there is no decided canon ending, as KnightEnchanter states, there is a canon playthrough of Mass Effect. One that can be determined by starting ME3 with a default Shepard as it’ll decide on the choices done in ME(1) and ME2.

Can Legion survive ME3? You cannot save Legion regardless of what you do. Tali survives so long as you do not pick the geth – either pick the quarians or mediate a peace between them.

Is Shepard a Marine? Shepard is a Marine. Marines are the security and ground garrison arm of the Systems Allaince Navy. If your a military soldier for the System Alliance you serve in the System Allaince Navy as a Marine.

Are Reapers mentioned in Andromeda?

Despite having the capacity and longevity to travel to and from intergalactic space, writer Mac Walters has revealed that there are no Reapers in the Andromeda Galaxy, the setting of BioWare’s 2017 game Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Can you cure Thane? Unfortunately, there’s no way to save Thane in Mass Effect 3. No matter what decisions you made in the previous game, or what decisions you make in the trilogy’s third installment, he’ll always be mortally injured by Kai Leng.

Is Tali in love with Shepard? Despite her skepticism about Cerberus’s intentions, Tali rejoins Shepard, making it clear she isn’t working for Cerberus, and is only there for Shepard’s sake. … The only person she trusts that much is Shepard, and she confirms that she has developed feelings for him over the course of their adventures together.

Can female Shepard romance Jack? As a female Shepherd in Mass Effect 2, you can have main storyline romances with Garrus Vakarian, Jacob Taylor or Thane Krios. There’s no option for a female relationship with Jack, although it has recently been revealed that this was once considered as an option for the original release.

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