Where are the Datacrons on Ord Mantell?

Ord Mantell has two datacrons and one matrix shard which can only be obtained by Republic players. The blue datacron is hidden on Savrip Island, the yellow datacron is hidden on the beaches near Volcano Camp, and the matrix shard is hidden in a hole on the beaches of Mannet Point.

likewise Where are the Datacrons on Dromund Kaas? It is located in the hangar opposite to the one you arrived to when you first reach Dromund Kaas. You have to go up a ramp that hangs over the hangar and there are these steel beams you can jump on that will lead you to the datacron.

How do you get a Datacron on Taris?

Run to the North to get on the Pipe

Once up the pipe, go to the left platform and walk over the giant fallen girder. At the end of the girder, head to the right. Keep follow the ledges as they go around the building to the right, carefully jumping over any gaps, and soon you’ll be able to see the datacron.

Where is the Matrix Shard on Dromund Kaas? Matrix Shard Assemblers can be found in the Dark Temple Grounds on Dromund Kaas for Imperial players and in the Jedi Temple Ruins on Coruscant for Republic players.

How many Datacrons does Dromund Kaas have? There are a total of 5 datacrons to collect on Dromund Kaas which are 2x Mastery +2, Endurance +2, Presence +2 and a Yellow Matrix Shard.

How do I get from Dromund Kaas to korriban?

Go to Dromund Kaas is a level 11 class mission available to Sith Inquisitors. It is obtained on Korriban by speaking with Lord Zash at the Sith Academy.

How do I get to Dromund Kaas? Quest Walkthrough

From the Sith Academy, exit eastward toward a ship and take it to the Imperial Fleet. Once at the Imperial Fleet, follow the map markers toward “Mission Departures,” riding elevators through the hub to reach the Dromund Kaas Departures.

Where is the spaceport on Korriban? Chronological and political information

A spaceport was located in the city of Dreshdae, on the planet Korriban.

How do I get to Korriban?

you should have a quick travel back to the fleet. Then when you get to the fleet pull up your map and find the location marked Korriban depatures. Go there find the shuttle back to Korriban. Board it and you are back on Korriban.

Can you go back to Dromund Kaas? Just go to your ship from Fleet and then fly to DK. Are you to the point where you have your own ship? If so, look for your class’s docking port from the inner ring of the fleet, and take that to your ship and use your ship to fly back.

How do I get to the Imperial Fleet? Once you get your starship in SWTOR to go from a planet to the Fleet (or another planet) you have to:

  1. go to the spaceport,
  2. up to the planet’s orbital platform,
  3. run to your hanger,
  4. to your ship and get in,
  5. hyperspace to the Fleet,
  6. back out of your ship,
  7. and cross the hanger to the elevator to the main level.

Where is Lord Zash Dromund Kaas? Lord Zash’s chambers are located in the Sith Sanctum, within the Citadel on the far side of the city. Go to the Kaas City Central Taxi and take it to the Sith Sanctum. Reach the Imperial Citadel and travel north to the Sanctum.

How do I get to Kaas?

From Dromund Kaas Departures, board the ship that’ll take you to the Dromund Kaas Spaceport. Once just outside the spaceport, talk to the speeder taxi outside and ride to Kaas City. The map marker leads you to a taxi. Ride it to the green marker.

How do I get back to the Imperial Fleet?

Once you get your starship in SWTOR to go from a planet to the Fleet (or another planet) you have to:

  1. go to the spaceport,
  2. up to the planet’s orbital platform,
  3. run to your hanger,
  4. to your ship and get in,
  5. hyperspace to the Fleet,
  6. back out of your ship,
  7. and cross the hanger to the elevator to the main level.

How do I leave the Imperial Fleet? You need to use the elevator to the Dromund Kaas shuttle. You can then take the shuttle back to the planet.

Can you return to Korriban? Hmm in case you have your own ship, you can fly back to the fleet and use the transit ship back to Korriban. If not, you can take a shuttle back to the Imperial Fleet from the DK spaceport, and from the Imperial Fleet there’s a shuttle to Korriban.

Which sword is Ajunta pall?

The Notched steel sword was one of three swords that Revan found hidden in the tomb of Sith Lord Ajunta Pall on the planet of Korriban. The blade of this sword was described as being ebony black in color and notched along its length to give the appearance of being cruel and jagged.

Is it passion that fuels the force? It is our passion that fuels the Force: True. There is nothing worse than love: False. Victory by any means is desirable: False.

How do you get treek? From the Cartel Market:

The first step to gaining Treek is to purchase the Mercenary Contract from the Cartel Market (2100 Cartel Coins). This is a single-use item which will start a quest. Completing this quest will earn that character Treek.

Where is the cartel vendor in swtor? The Cartel Bazaar is in the North on the Republic Fleet but in the South on the Imperial Fleet.

How do I get to cartel bazaar?

The easiest ones to find are on the fleet. On the Republic fleet take the north elevator to the Cartel Market. On the Imperial fleet it’s the south elevator. Of course, if you are still level 1, or so, you can’t get to your Homeworld or Fleet yet.

Which is the best time to visit Kas Pathar? The best time to visit the Kaas Pathar/Plateau is from late August to early October. This plateau is open for visitors from 8:00 A.M. till 6:00 P.M. Online booking is mandatory to visit this plateau.

Is Kaas plateau worth visiting? A very beautiful place. Not worth to capture in . Just feel it and capture in mind and heart. Worth to visit every year.

How do you get to Kaas Pathar? How To Reach Kaas Pathar

  1. By air: The nearest Airport is Pune Airport and is 140 km away from Kaas Pathar. …
  2. By train: Satara Railway Station is the nearest railway station to Kaas Plateau. …
  3. By road: Roadways are well-maintained and are well connected to other major cities in India.

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