Who created the Borg?


The Borg
Created by Maurice Hurley
Base of operations Delta Quadrant
Leader The Borg are one single mind which is sometimes represented by the Borg Queen

likewise Why is Wesley Crusher hated? Many fans dislike Wesley because they believe is deeply annoying and arrogant, he saved the day too often and got to pilot the flagship of the Federation despite his limited experience compared to the professionals he shared the bridge with.

Are the Borg aware of Q?

The Borg do not act like they have any awareness of the Q. Even if they did, it would not matter to them because the Q is not matter! They cannot assimilate non-corporal beings without technology so they have zero interest in the Q.

Does Picard still have Borg implants? Firstly, Picard isn’t fully liberated from Borg impants; as we are told in “Family” and discover anew in First Contact, he still has some dormant nanobots and implants in his body. They’re simply not as visible as Seven of Nine’s.

Is Guinan a Time Lord? Guinan, of ‘Star Trek,’ Would Be a Great Time Lord on ‘Doctor Who’ Immortal beings have to stick together, so it would only make sense for the titular time traveler from Doctor Who to take on Guinan from Star Trek as a temporary companion, or perhaps as a fellow Time Lord!

Was Wesley Picard’s son?

Whether or not this was the original plan, Star Trek ultimately debunked the idea of Wesley Crusher being Picard’s son. Picard and Beverly did indeed have a past relationship: her late husband, Jack Crusher, was Picard’s former first officer and best friend on the USS Stargazer.

Is Wesley Crusher a Mary Sue? The simple answer is that in season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher is a poorly written Mary Sue. And the reason for that is due to the 1988 Writers’ Guild Strike.

Why did Deanna Troi leave Star Trek? Denise Crosby, who played Tasha Yar for most of season 1, decided to leave midway through the first year due to a lack of character development and compelling stories. … Deanna Troi is a foundational Star Trek character, and it’s baffling to realize she was almost retired before she even got started.

Can Q defeat Borg?

The away team is beamed directly to the bridge, and Picard orders that they depart at maximum warp. … Q appears on the bridge and warns Picard that the Borg will never stop chasing them, and cannot be defeated.

Did Q create the Borg? At that time, writer and de facto showrunner Maurice Hurley intended for the Borg to be introduced much earlier, and possibly as an insect race. Hurley was also the writer of “Q Who?” and the person who, basically, created the Borg.

Was Q assimilated by the Borg? Ordinarily, no. They’ve nothing to latch onto. The Q aren’t really physical beings and therefore aren’t vulnerable to Borg technology. However, there have been cases in which members of the Continuum have been forced into physical bodies.

Are the Borg ever defeated? During their mission to assimilate Earth, the Borg decided that a human voice was necessary to facilitate their introduction into human society. … The crew of the Enterprise-D eventually managed to sever Locutus from the Borg Collective, save Picard, and ultimately defeat the Borg.

Is the Borg Queen 7 of 9 mother?

Seven of Nine
Species Human (at birth) Borg drone Human with Borg enhancements (last seen)
Affiliation United Federation of Planets (at birth) Borg Collective Starfleet Fenris Rangers (last seen)
Family Magnus Hansen (father) Erin Hansen (mother) Icheb (ward, “my child”)

Why do the Borg have a queen?

The enigmatic Borg Queen is the central locus of the Borg Collective. She brings order to the legions of voices within the Hive mind and provides a common direction — much like the queen of an insect colony.

Why do Q and Guinan hate each other? She’s an immortal biological being that is connected to the timeline and guiding humanity; Q is afraid of humanity, because we remind them of themselves and they do not know what happens when one omnipotent entity becomes two. Guinan is fundamental to that eventual evolution as her species is further along the path.

Is Guinan a human? Portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg, Guinan is a bartender in the Ten-Forward lounge aboard the starship USS Enterprise-D.

Guinan (Star Trek)

Portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg Isis Carmen Jones (young, “Rascals”)
In-universe information
Species El-Aurian
Occupation Bartender

What is 10 forward?

Ten Forward is the hub of the ship’s social activity. Everyone on board comes here. Jean-Luc Picard. Ten Forward was a lounge and recreation facility located on Deck 10, forward section 1 of a Galaxy-class starship. ( TNG: “The Child”, “Power Play”, “Deja Q”)

What happened to Wesley’s dad? The subject was born while his mother was in Starfleet Medical school preparing for a service career; his father, a lieutenant at the time, died in 2354 while on a U.S.S. Stargazer away mission under Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Who is Wesley Crushers dad? Wesley’s father was Jack Crusher, a Lieutenant Commander serving under Captain Picard on the U.S.S. Stargazer. Picard sent Crusher on the mission that lead to his death (“Encounter at Farpoint, Part I).

Is Picard Wesley Crushers dad? No. Jack Crusher was Wesley’s father. Picard was on in command of the mission and gave the orders that caused Jack’s death. Jack, Picard, and eventually Beverly had all been friends at the time of the incident.

How is Guinan so old?

Guinan, together with Captain Picard, Ro Laren and Keiko O’Brien, is reverted to the body of a twelve-year-old due to the effects of a molecular reversion field. Guinan is among those who survived the crash of the Enterprise-D.

Why is Wesley Crusher so special? Speaking of disregarding previously discovered information about Wesley Crusher, let’s highlight one of the biggest, glaring tidbits that everyone tends to ignore about him: the fact that he has incredible abilities with time, propulsion, and energy. He even assisted the Traveler with opening a doorway.

Why did Picard hate children? On Star Trek: The Next Generation, Picard dislikes children from the beginning because he’s so uncomfortable with the idea of them being on his ship. … In the two-part pilot episode of TNG, “Encounter at Farpoint: Parts 1 & 2,” Picard first meets Wesley Crusher.

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