Who married Anakin?

The wedding of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala took place in 22 BBY by way of secret ceremony at the Varykino lake retreat in Naboo’s Lake Country. The ceremony was officiated by a Pontifex of the Brotherhood of Cognizance named Maxiron Agolerga. The only witnesses to the marriage were the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Who is Anakin Skywalker father? The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who was his father?” Shmi Skywalker and her baby, Anakin Skywalker Believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave Shmi Skywalker.

How is Padme pregnant?

Padme told Anakin that she was pregnant at the start of the movie. … Well Clone Wars season 7 shows us that the time from battle of Coruscant to order 66 was just as long as the Mandalorian invasion, and Anakin went to Mustafar right after order 66. The next day Padme went to Mustafar, got choked, and gave birth.

Can Jedi marry? Marriage was the formally recognized union of at least two beings as partners in a relationship. … In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.

Who does Luke Skywalker marry?

Luke and Mara marrying. The Wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade took place in 19 ABY on Coruscant, shortly after the end of the Galactic Civil War. It consisted of two weddings: the first, a private ceremony held at Jedi Headquarters, was only open to members of the New Jedi Order.

How did Anakin’s mom get pregnant?

In The Phantom Menace, when Qui-Gon Jinn meets tiny Anakin Skywalker and his mother, he goes on about how the Force is like, crazy strong with Anakin or whatever, and then asks his mother about Anakin’s dad. Shmi Skywalker is pretty clear in her answer: There isn’t a father. She was impregnated by the Force.

Who is Darth Vader’s mom? Anakin discovered that a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars had bought Shmi from Watto, freed her, and married her. But when he visited the Lars farm, he learned Tusken Raiders had kidnapped his mother. Anakin found Shmi, but she died in his arms. Giving in to his rage, he slaughtered the Tuskens who had taken her.

Did Anakin cheat on Padmé? It was indeed Anakins “best friend” who cheated. … He just did not want Padme to lie to him, but the truth drove Anakin so mad that his anger killed Padme by force. It was the truth that killed Padme and the real reason why Padme let go of her life.

Did Padmé cheat on Anakin with Clovis?

There are several theories running around that Obi-Wan and Padmé were secret lovers, but that is total krayt spit. Short answer: no. Her little run-through with Clovis was during her early Senatorial days, before Anakin came along and fell head-over-heels in love with her.

Why can’t Anakin be with Padmé? The marriage, witnessed by the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, was kept secret due to Amidala’s place as a prominent Senator in the Galactic Republic and because of Skywalker’s membership in the Jedi Order; the Jedi Code prevented Jedi from falling in love and forming attachments such as marriage.

Can Jedis have babies? Yep, nothing in the Jedi code forbade Jedi from reproducing and having one nighters, just that Jedi weren’t allowed to form attachments. This means a Jedi could have a fling on every planet, have a kid, and never know.

Why can’t Anakin be with Padme? The marriage, witnessed by the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, was kept secret due to Amidala’s place as a prominent Senator in the Galactic Republic and because of Skywalker’s membership in the Jedi Order; the Jedi Code prevented Jedi from falling in love and forming attachments such as marriage.

Can Sith have relationships?

No, Sith are not forbidden to love and marry. However, it is very hard for a Sith to do so—even harder than a Jedi—both because of the nature of the Dark Side and because the Sith view attachment as a chain. Simple answer: No. The Sith had morals completely opposite the Jedi.

When did Darth Vader find out Leia was his daughter?

Originally Answered: Did Darth Vader know Leia was his daughter? Vader learned that Leia was his daughter by sensing it from Luke at the end of Return of the Jedi. Vader learned about Luke after he sent Boba to capture Luke alive, but Luke escaped and Boba only managed to learn his name: Skywalker.

Did Luke and Leia have a kid? Leia married Han Solo in 8 ABY and had three children: twins Jaina and Jacen in 9 ABY, and a younger son Anakin, who was named after his grandfather, in 10.5 ABY. In 19 ABY, Luke married Mara Jade. Their son, Ben, who was named after Luke’s first mentor Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, was born in 26.5 ABY.

Why did Leia and Han break up? Sometime after the Battle of Endor, Han and Leia married and had a son named Ben. … However, when their son fell to the dark side, becoming known as Kylo Ren, they separated for years in agony and grief, each mourning the loss of their son in their own way.

Was Anakin forced baby?

His mother Shmi told Qui-Gon this by simply explaining that she carried him, gave birth, and raised him. … This then led Qui-Gon to believe that Anakin was born from the force itself and that Anakin was a creation of Midi-chlorians, which is why he had such a high concentration.

How did Anakin get his scar? In the Expanded Universe, Anakin received the scar over his right eye during a lightsaber fight with Asajj Ventress. This particular fight is depicted in the original Clone Wars TV series that ran from 2003 to 2005.

Is Anakin Palpatine’s son? Confirmed: The Emperor Was Anakin’s ‘Father

Yes, Star Wars fans, Darth Vader #25 confirms that Anakin Skywalker was the result of Dark Side/Midi-chlorian manipulation inside of Shmi Skywalker’s womb – performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.

Who killed Anakin Skywalker? During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master. After his death, Anakin became one with the Force.

Who is Luke Skywalker’s son?

The Legends story of Luke’s son, Ben Skywalker, as told by Star Wars Explained.

Who is Obi Wan Kenobi’s daughter? Rey is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s daughter or granddaughter somehow: This would be a bit of a curveball, admittedly, but it’s weird that there hasn’t been a Kenobi in this series just yet.

Is Padme pregnant Season 7? She is. You see, the “real end” of TCW is just before Anakin and Obi-Wan go to Coruscant. Padmé is 9 month pregnant in episode III. Anakin has seen her in the last season so she’s pregnant.

Who loved Obi-Wan? The love story of Obi-Wan and Satine

In fact, though Obi-Wan never engaged in an official romantic relationship, as far as we know, The Clone Wars animated series revealed that Obi-Wan cared very deeply about Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore.

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