Can Ahsoka turn Anakin back?

Originally Answered: Would Anakin have still turned to the dark side if Ahsoka had rejoined the Jedi and remained as his Padawan? Almost certainly. In fact his fall might be even faster and more thorough in this case.

Can Ahsoka beat Vader? Let that sink in: Ahsoka was capable of cutting open Darth Vader’s helmet during a lightsaber fight. … Had Ezra Bridger not yanked her out of that moment in time, it’s conceivable Ahsoka could have taken out Vader, or at the very least left him even more wounded than Obi-Wan already had.

Why did Ahsoka leave her lightsaber? Ahsoka left her lightsaber to try and fake her death. She wanted whoever would come searching the wreckage to believe she was dead. She already knew that the Jedi were being hunted by the clones.

similarly Does Ahsoka know about Luke and Leia? It would be virtually impossible for her to not have become aware of the Skywalker siblings at some point. We do not currently know anything about her activities during the Rebellion beyond her time travel shenanigans with Ezra Bridger and her reappearance after the war.

Why is Ahsoka’s hair short in Mandalorian?

The Mandalorian’s character concept designer confirms why Ahsoka’s head tails were shortened, saying that it was to make stunts and movement easier.

Did Ahsoka meet Luke? Probably not, from what I know the only Jedi that only ever knew Luke (in Canon) and met him was Obi Wan and Yoda, Ahsoka quite possibly never even knew her former master had a son as well as a daughter and it’s like the case if Rex ever found out if his old friend was Darth Vader, there is no evidence if he did.

Who is the best Jedi to ever live? But one Jedi stands above the rest and needs to start getting recognized as the greatest Jedi who ever lived. That is none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi. While this saga is ultimately the story of the Skywalkers, Obi-Wan is arguably the best and most pure Jedi to ever come out of it.

Who is more powerful Ezra or Kanan? It’s entirely possible that Ezra simply has more raw power with the Force than Kanan, not unlike Kyp Durron being stronger than Luke in the old Legends continuity.

Did Ahsoka keep her Shoto?

While on the run from Anakin Skywalker and members of the Coruscant Guard, Ahsoka lost her shoto after getting knocked off a bridge by an explosion. Later, while attempting to meet Barriss in a warehouse, Ahsoka was betrayed by her friend who attacked her. Missing her shoto, Ahsoka was overpowered by Offee.

Does Anakin meet Ahsoka again? “Old Friends Not Forgotten” reunited Anakin with his former Padawan for the first time after Ahsoka walked away from the Jedi Order. … He’s unquestionably thrilled to see her again—it’s all over his face—but he let go when she left the Jedi life.

Did Vader keep Ahsoka’s lightsabers? The Clone Wars “Victory and Death” finale ends with the former Anakin Skywalker, now wearing the armor of Darth Vader, exhuming the lightsaber of his former apprentice Ahsoka Tano in the snowy burial grounds of an unidentified moon. Two episodes earlier, the blue saber was Anakin’s final parting gift to Ahsoka.

Did Luke ever meet Ahsoka? Probably not, from what I know the only Jedi that only ever knew Luke (in Canon) and met him was Obi Wan and Yoda, Ahsoka quite possibly never even knew her former master had a son as well as a daughter and it’s like the case if Rex ever found out if his old friend was Darth Vader, there is no evidence if he did.

Why didn’t Ahsoka train Grogu?

Originally Answered: Why didn’t Ahsoka train Grogu in the Mandalorian show season 2? Because of Anakin. She says Grogu’s fears haunt him and that training him could be detrimental since Anakin had the same problem and we know where that led him.

Is Ahsoka a GREY Jedi?

Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars: The Clone Wars can also technically be called a Gray Jedi, due to her forsaking the ways of the Jedi, but still following a path of good.

Can TWI leks move their lekku? So, I read on Wookipedia that the lekkus of Twi’leks are prehensile, which means they can be moved independently and used to grasp something.

Do Togruta have Montrals and lekku? Togruta were a sentient species native the planet Shili. They had colorful skin tones, large montrals and lekku and white facial pigments. They also had a colony of approximately 50,000 Togruta on the planet Kiros. Famous Togruta were the Jedi Master Shaak Ti as well as the Padawan Ahsoka Tano.

What is Ahsoka’s hair made of?

Since she doesn’t have hair, she can’t have a traditional Padawan braid. Instead, a strand of silka beads is attached to her headdress.

Did Ahsoka meet Leia? Speaking only for Legends, the answer is no. Ahsoka never meets Luke or Leia. This is because she appeared very late in the old EU’s run, and they were still trying to fix the Clone Wars timeline when Disney came along and made it all a moot point.

How long is Ahsoka Lightsaber? Re: Ahsoka main hand blade length

With the bit taken up by the blade holder you have just a bit over 30″. I know it’s possible to wield a full 36″ at that height because one of my local folks has when borrowing my stuff, but definitely not ideal for spinning and it looks a bit too long.

Who is the oldest living Jedi? With the death of T’ra Saa at Taivas, K’Kruhk became the oldest and most experienced of the surviving Jedi and participated in the alliance’s final assault on the Sith-held Coruscant. Following the deaths of Darth Krayt and Roan Fel, K’Kruhk became one of the three Triumvirs of the restored Galactic Alliance.

Who is Anakin Skywalker father?

The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who was his father?” Shmi Skywalker and her baby, Anakin Skywalker Believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave Shmi Skywalker.

Why is Rey’s lightsaber yellow? Yellow is a mixture of red and green – so Rey’s saber is a visual indicator of her status as a family member of the Sith lord Emperor Palpatine (red) as well as the pupil of Luke Skywalker (green). The yellow lightsaber is a literal mix of the dark and light side, representing a balance between the two.

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