How do you become Lenzo’s apprentice?

With the Picto Box in hand, find and talk to Lenzo, the photographer. His shop is up the town’s stairway, with a camera sign above the door. Check out his photos upstairs, and show him some pictures of your own, and he will soon sign you on as an apprentice (he will do so once he’s standing behind the counter).

How many pigs are on Outset Island? There are three pigs, a spotted one (close to the large house in the west), a black one (near Orca’s and Sturgeon’s house), and a pink one (close to your house), but they tend to move around. You will get a Red Rupee for each pig.

How do I color my Picto Box? If you’re playing the GameCube version, you first need to travel to Forest Haven and catch a Firefly with an empty bottle inside the forest. Bring the Firefly to Lenzo and he will upgrade the camera to take color pictures.

similarly How do you get pictograph in Wind Waker? The Picto Box is an item from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. This apparatus allows Link to take a snapshot of people and places he finds throughout his adventure in the Great Sea. The Picto Box can be obtained by entering a tunnel in the Town Jail after freeing Tingle from the jail on Windfall Island.

Who is lenzo in Wind Waker?


The Pictographer , Lenzo (Figurine from The Wind Waker)
The Pictographer, Lenzo Birthplace: Unknown Personality: Hard to grasp Lenzo is a famed pictographer known to all. His mysterious personality is quite popular with the ladies in town.

Where is the ghost ship Wind Waker? The ship appears near the Five-Star Isles (Waxing Crescent), the Star Belt Archipelago (First Quarter), Greatfish Isle (Waxing Gibbous), Crescent Moon Island (Full Moon), Diamond Steppe Island (Waning Gibbous), Bomb Island (Last Quarter) and Spectacle Island (Waning Crescent).

Where is Shark Island in Wind Waker? Shark Island is one of the many islands scattered throughout the Great Sea in The Wind Waker. The island itself is shaped like a shark, thus its namesake, and is located three squares west from Forest Haven.

Who is Makar Wind Waker? Makar (マコレ, Makore?) is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. He is an adventurous Korok who lives in the Forest Haven. He plays a violin that he has inherited from his ancestors, although due to his size limitations, he plays it in the position of a cello.

How do you break out of jail tingle?

Get Tingle out of Jail

Go into the door behind Tott, who is dancing by the gravestone. Talk to Tingle if you wish, then break the pots to find the switch to open his cell. In the Gamecube version of the game, he will give you the Tingle Tuner, which you can use if you have a GBA and a GBA-to-Gamecube cable.

How do you get legendary pictographs? The Legendary Pictographs are items from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. They are rare pictographs depicting characters whom Link cannot usually capture on film himself. These pictures can be bought from Lenzo on Windfall Island for 50 Rupees each (150 in the HD version).

How do you make a pictograph? Instead of taking a single pictograph at a time, it allows Link to take up to three at a time. He can find this device in Tingle’s Jail Cell, located on Windfall Island. It can be obtained by entering his cell, moving a large box, and solving a maze.

Where is the Picto Box? In The Wind Waker, the Picto Box allows Link to take and store three black and white pictographs at a time. It is found inside a Treasure Chest at the end of the crawlspace maze in Tingle’s jail cell on Windfall Island.

How do you get the ghost ship to appear?

Entrance to the Ghost Ship

It appears at different locations depending on the current state of the moon. Only by obtaining the Ghost Ship Chart, hidden on Diamond Steppe Island, Link can enter it.

How do you get the Triforce Chart 2?

The Triforce Shard 2 is located on E5: Private Oasis. You have to complete the maze here to get it. In the Wii U Version, the Triforce Shard is located in the chest inside. In the GameCube version, you instead get the Triforce Chart 2 (GameCube).

How do I get on the ghost ship? To enter it, simply approach it. If you have the Ghost Ship Map in your possession, you will automatically board it. Beat the enemies inside (utilizing the moonlight to defeat the Poes) and you will collect the Triforce Shard 4 (Wii U) or the Triforce Chart 4 (GameCube).

How do you get on Shark Island? There is no surefire way to get to Shark Island. Your only option will be to repeatedly buy Nook Miles Tickets and try to get lucky – the probability is quite low. Also, every time you try, don’t forget to completely empty your inventory!

How do you get the iron boots in Wind Waker?

Requirements: Stop the icy wind on Ice Ring Isle with the help of Fire Arrows and find the chest inside. You can’t walk underwater like in Ocarina of Time, but the Iron Boots are a handy addition nevertheless. Equip them and Link will become very heavy.

How do you get to Tombstone Island? Sail to the east to get to Headstone Island and get off on the beach. You can lift up that giant stone head with the help of your Power Bracelet and smash it on the ground. Enter the cave. Inside, you will find a large stone seal with engraved Wind Waker song instructions.

Is Makar a Korok? Makar is a Korok from the Forest Haven. … The Great Deku Tree forgives him, and tells Makar to play his violin. Makar plays for the ceremony, causing great seeds to grow from the Great Deku Tree. While the other Koroks take the seeds across the Great Sea, Makar and Hollo remain in the forest.

Who has the violin in Wind Waker? Makar’s Violin is an item featured in The Wind Waker. As its name implies, it is a violin that belongs to Makar. Makar practices playing his Violin year round so that he is prepared for the annual Korok Ceremony.

What are the Koroks names?

They are spirits who are watched over by the Great Deku Tree. They are protectors of the forest they live in. In The Wind Waker, the Koroks are the transformed forms of the Kokiri following the Great Flood.

Member(s) Aldo Drona Elma Hollo Irch Linder Makar Oakin Olivio Rown Hestu Chio Walton Kula Damia Maca

How do you crawl in Wind Waker? Put your sword away with the A Button. Only then will you be able to crawl.

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