How do you break the wooden floor in Tomb Raider?

Use a rope arrow to pull down the wooden barrier in the celing and climb back up to the room where you slid down the chute. You’ll find some arrows and a container of cloth on the way up.

Where is the Skull Cave Tomb Raider? REBELLION LIVES – FIND THE REBEL CAVE

As you head towards the waypoint marker to Unuratu’s home, Jonah will tell you that they have moved location. Now you must find Skull Cave, located not far from Unuratu’s, so head to the new waypoint. Skull Cave is marked with a white symbol next to a narrow opening in the wall.

How do you get the relic in copper mill yard? From the Copper Mill Yard Base Camp climb up through the buildings to the room with the mural and relic #16. Pull down the rope-wrapped barrier, slide down the chute, and jump onto the ledge in the room below. Climb onto the ledge above the strongbox and then use a rope arrow to reach the room with the relic.

similarly How do you get the survival cache in copper mill yard? This cache is on the ledge above the Communications Tower Base Camp on the way to the Research Base. You won’t be able to reach it until you unlock CLIMBING ARROWS by opening the strongbox near the Copper Mill Bridge Base Camp. The cache is right next to Explorer Satchel #6.

Where is the challenge tomb in Soviet installation?

Soviet Installation Challenge Tombs. This challenge tomb can be accessed from the locker room in the copper mine. It’s best done during the Alone Again mission. The path forks after a few yards – the right lane leads to a resource to gather, and a map can be found on the crates to your left.

How do you get to the Skull Cave in the hidden city? Skull Cave – The skull cave becomes accessible during the level “Rebellion Lives”. It is located on the eastern shore, below Unuratu’s hut. To find the cave entrance, go down the stairs from the market and cross the wooden bridge to the farming terraces on the other side.

Where is the rebel cave? Rebel’s Cairn is located in The Reach near the top of the bluff northwest of Rorikstead before reaching the Sundered Towers. The cave is a tomb and is the final resting place for the legendary Red Eagle, a hero to the native Forsworn.

How do you get to the Temple of Kukulkan? The entrance to the temple of Kukulkan is watched by two guards who were shown in the cut-scene during your meeting with Etzli (picture above). Just approach them in the guardian’s outfit and let Lara speak the secret password. Go to the main chamber of the temple and watch a cut-scene involving Amaru.

How do you get Broadhead climbing arrows in Rise of the Tomb Raider?

Open the strongbox just beyond the camp fire to obtain a stash of Broadhead Climbing Arrows, then look by the wooden fence at the very end of the path to find hidden loot. Shoot the soft wood near the fire and climb up the wall.

How do I get to the copper mill camp in Tomb Raider?

  1. After you unlock explosive items – return to the cave between the train cars and the large building. Blow open the impact barrier to enter the cave (C11). …
  2. Later in the game, you return to this area and discover the Copper Mill Bridge base camp.

What is a survival cache Tomb Raider? Survival Caches are scattered throughout Rise of the Tomb Raider. They award the player with various resources for use in crafting.

What are challenge tombs? Challenge Tombs are unique locations in Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Each Tomb offers a reward for completion.

How do you get to the crypt entrance in Soviet installation?

The crypt belonging to Kokkos, The Astronomer, one of the founders of Kitezh, is in the Soviet Installation just below the Installation Vista Base Camp. Fast travel there, slide down the zip line, and look for the crypt entrance on the right side of the path leading down toward the train yard.

Where is the pit of Judgement?

The Pit of Judgement

Head north east from Ruins Encampment and pass behind the waterfall. Climb a couple of flights of wooden stairs, then enter the large cave. Grapple-jump the gap and squeeze through the small crack to find a camp.

How do you get to the skull cavern in Tomb Raider? The first thing that you need to do is to head on towards Unuratu’s home. As you are going there, you will be informed that they have moved to the Skull Cave which is on a lower tier. There will be an objective marker for you to move to Uchu and Jonah through the crevice in the wall.

How do I rescue Hakan?

Talk to the girl who Etzli is friends with, and then talk to the two men setting down. Then, talk to the person near the prayer group and he will sound a horn. Go to the nearby musician, get him to play his instrument, and the guards will be distracted. Free Hakan, and you will have completed the quest!

Where is Poma shadow of the Tomb Raider? After liberating all 4 rebels, the mission objective is updated: Return to Poma. His location, back in SKULL CAVE, is marked on your map with a green icon. You can either go there on foot or use any base camp to fast travel to the SKULL CAVE Base Camp.

What is at the top of Kukulkan? The temple of Kukulkan was built by the Toltecs; they created another temple on top of Kukulkan, which was made by the Mayans. Inside the main temple, you will find another temple, which has steps on one side, created by the Mayans of the classical era.

Who was kukulkan? Kukulkan, also spelled K’uk’ulkan, /kuːkʊlˈkɑːn/ (“Plumed Serpent”, “amazing Serpent”) is the name of a Mesoamerican serpent deity that was worshipped by the Yucatec Maya people of the Yucatán Peninsula before the Spanish Conquest of the Yucatán.

How do I get to the fourth crypt hidden city?

From the Temple of Kukulkan Base Camp you can go south and drop on the leadge to climb over and swing to the tomb entrance to the left. Enter the crypt by climbing through the gap. Follow the path in. You will slide all the way down at some stage.

Where do I get fire arrows in Rise of the Tomb Raider? Prepare for Battle. Follow the objective markers, cross the gap to the tower with a rope arrow from the post to the block at the lower right, and ascend the tower by climbing and scrambling round in an anti-clockwise direction. When you reach the half-way point you’ll acquire the fire arrow crafting skill.

How do you get the rope arrows in Siberian wilderness? Hop down off the ledge and climb back up near the fallen log. Survival Instinct reveals a rope-wrapped wooden barrier and a leather backpack sitting on a nearby ledge. If you approach the barrier, you’ll discover Lara needs Rope Arrows to get through.

How do you get arrows in Tomb Raider? To craft arrows, you simply need to hold R2 if you’re on PS4 or RT if you’re on Xbox One. You’ll see a little symbol filling up. Once it’s full, you’ll have some more arrows!

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