What does Emperor Palpatine say to Luke?

Emperor Palpatine: Strike me down with all of your hatred & your journey towards the dark side will be complete! Emperor Palpatine: Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete! Luke Skywalker: Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us… or die!

What is Darth Vader’s famous line? We all remember the most famous Darth Vader quote: “Luke, I am your father”.

What does the Emperor say is Luke’s weakness? , Huge fan of Star Wars. Originally Answered: What Luke Skywalker mean when he said to the Emperor in “Return of the Jedi” your overconfidence is your weakness? He simply meant that the Emperor was placing too much faith is his weaponry, his apprentice, and his own power.

similarly Who said let the hate flow through you? “Use your aggressive feelings boy, let the hate flow through you” is the famous line by General Palpatine in Star Wars. His implication is that if Luke Skywalker feels his anger and aggression, he’ll be more likely to be turned over to the dark side.

What if I told you that the Galactic Republic?

Count Dooku : What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith? Obi-Wan : No, that’s not possible. The Jedi would sense it. … Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of a Sith lord called Darth Sidious.

What did Darth Vader say to Luke before he died? Anakin: You already have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me... Tell your sister… you were right… … In which case, Vader’s last words to Luke were when he taunted Luke about turning sister Leia to the dark side during their light saber duel.

Did Darth Vader say may the force be with you? Sith. … This, along with another variation; “May the Force ever serve you,” was utilized three centuries later by the Sith Lord Lana Beniko. Another Sith variation of this saying was stated by Darth Vader to his apprentice shortly after his “death” saying “Remember that the dark side is always with you.”

Did Darth Vader tell Luke I am your father? Despite this iconic exchange occurring in one of the most climactic scenes in movie history, Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.”

What was the emperor’s weakness?

What were the weaknesses of the Emperor? – Quora. An Emperor had no peers and no friends. Pretty much the only people a Roman Emperor could view as peers were the spirits of preceding Emperors as only they understood the odious weight of the responsibility of administering the Empire.

How old is Yoda in Return of the Jedi? The first is in The Empire Strikes Back when Luke first meets Yoda. Yoda says how he has been training Jedi for 800 years. The second time that Yoda mentions his long life is in Return of the Jedi when he says to Luke, “When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.”

Who is Palpatine actor? Palpatine was played by stage actor Ian McDiarmid, who first played the role in 1983 before reprising it for all three chapters of the prequel trilogy and then one more time in Episode IX in 2019.

What will be Luke’s undoing? The Emperor : [to Luke] Ah, yes. … The Emperor : I have foreseen it. His compassion for you will be his undoing. He will come to you and then you will bring him before me.

What leads to the dark side?

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

Why did Palpatine turn the Republic into the empire?

The Galactic Empire is a fictional autocracy featured in the Star Wars franchise. … After engineering these threats himself, Palpatine reorganizes the Republic into a state that could “ensure the security and continuing stability, and [provide] a safe and secure society” – a galactic empire with himself as its Emperor.

Why did Palpatine call it the first Galactic Empire? The Sith Empire may have simply not been as extensive across the galaxy as the Republic was. When he proclaimed the “first Galactic Empire,” Palpatine was likely conferring sheer size and unprecedented reach. The old Sith Empire probably encompassed a dozen star systems before it was destroyed.

Why did Palpatine create the empire? Palpatine created the Empire because the Sith believed it their destiny and right to rule over the entire galaxy. He was simply fulfilling the dream of all Sith since the beginning of time. The only Imperial who was really concerned about the Vong was our boy Blue.

Does Luke like Leia?

In the first Star Wars movie, Luke was pretty obviously crushing on Leia. She later even kissed him on the lips. The relationship took on a new level of Game of Thrones awkwardness when the big reveal was announced — and Leia responded by saying somehow she’d always known Luke was her bro.

What was Anakin’s last words? “Tell your sister you were right.” His words in the film in total: NO! You already have, Luke.

What is under Darth Vader’s mask? An implanted enunciator linked to an electronic voice processor enabled Vader’s scorched vocal cords to produce speech. Around the part of the mask covered by the helmet was the external neural sensor array. Also hidden beneath his mask were four red heat dispersion vents, accented by yellow wire.

What did Darth Vader actually say? The line “Luke, I am your father,” is never said in The Empire Strikes Back. The actual line that Darth Vader speaks is “No, I am your father.” Huh.

How did Vader not sense Leia?

Darth Vader did not sense Leia was his daughter prior to Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983) because George Lucas did not come up with the idea that Leia was Luke’s sister until the script for that film was being written.

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