What is Shelton Benjamin finisher called?

Shelton would change his finisher and begin using the jumping STO (pull-down facebuster) under the name Paydirt when he was in his “Gold Standard” persona. Benjamin would win the United States Championship with this move.

What is the best wrestling finisher ever? The Top 10 Wrestling Finishers of All Time

  1. 1. ” The People’s Elbow” – The Rock.
  2. 2. ” Leg Drop” – Hulk Hogan. …
  3. 3. ” Stone Cold Stunner” – “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. …
  4. 4. ” The Pedigree” – Hunter Hearst Helmsley. …
  5. 5. ” Tombstone Pile Driver” – The Undertaker. …
  6. 6. ” Chair Finisher” – La Parka. …
  7. 7. ” …
  8. 8. ” …

Are Shelton Benjamin and Brock Lesnar friends? Benjamin is also close friends with Brock Lesnar, having met him at the University of Minnesota and roomed with him. He once let Lesnar stay in his basement when Lesnar was out of money.

similarly What happened to Shelton Benjamin WWE? The answer is: Yes, Shelton Benjamin is still working with WWE. While WWE released multiple wrestlers on June 25, Shelton Benjamin was last seen on the July 5, 2021, Main Event taping, thus confirming his association with WWE.

Which WWE finisher hurts the most?

The 10 WWE Finishers That Would Hurt Most in Real Life


What is the most painful finisher in WWE?

  • Tombstone piledriver-This move is one of the dangerous moves. …
  • Knock out punch -Big show knock out punch is one of the strongest finisher . …
  • F5-Brock lesner finisher F5 is a very devastating move. …
  • Spear -Edge spear is a very powerful move. …
  • Batista bomb-Just watch this move in youtube.

Does F5 hurt? Most of the current finishers used don’t hurt much but, an F5 could be dangerous if not executed properly.

Is the RKO the diamond cutter? Whether it’s called the “Ace Crusher,” the “Diamond Cutter,” the “RKO,” or everything in between, this versatile, quick maneuver can change the course of a match out of nowhere.

What is the hardest wrestling move?

The 15 Hardest Finishing Moves in Wrestling History

  • The Move: RKO. …
  • The Move: Liontamer/Walls of Jericho. …
  • The Move: Knee-Plus. …
  • The Move: Go To Sleep. …
  • The Move: Frog Splash. …
  • The Move: Leg Drop. Image via Complex Original. …
  • The Move: Rock Bottom. Image via Complex Original. …
  • The Move: Chokeslam. Image via Complex Original.

Which is the best finishing move in WWE? WWE news: 20 of the greatest finishing moves of all time ranked

  1. Stone Cold Stunner | Used by Steve Austin.
  2. Sweet Chin Music | Used by Shawn Michaels. …
  3. Rock Bottom | Used by The Rock. …
  4. RKO/Diamond Cutter | Used by Randy Orton and DDP. …
  5. The Pedigree | Used by Triple H. …
  6. Tombstone Piledriver | Used by The Undertaker. …

Does a pedigree hurt? Pedigree. Triple H has dominated WWE over the years with his move, the Pedigree. There is nothing about it that doesn’t hurt. It is set up by The Game kicking you in the groin and putting your head in between his legs.

Do wrestling chops hurt? Yes, they hurt. Hell, with the trainees with a big ego/bad attitude etc, some of us made a game out of chopping them as hard as we could. One of them ended up with big purple welts on his chest and insisted he was “one of the boys now!” lolno. As a fighting technique it is not reap at all.

What is RKO move?

Jumping cutter

This cutter variation sees the wrestler jumping towards the opponent and grabbing the opponent’s head in a 3⁄4 facelock while parallel to the ground, and then slamming the opponent’s face to the mat in a cutter. This move is popularized by Randy Orton as his finishing move called RKO.

What is RKO stand for?


Acronym Definition
RKO Radio Keith Orpheum (movie studio)
RKO Richards Kibbe & Orbe (law firm; New York, NY)
RKO Randy Keith Orton (wrestling)
RKO Runyon Kersteen Ouellette (accounting firm; Maine)

What came first Diamond Cutter or stunner? Now, what some people may not realize is that the cutter came before the stunner. Johnny Ace began his AJPW run in the very late 80’s, it was still a fresh maneuver.

Who invented the stunner? A stunner is a common term in professional wrestling referring to the ¾ facelock jawbreaker maneuver. It was innovated by Mikey Whipwreck.

What moves are banned in WWE?

10 Wrestling Moves Banned By WWE

  • The Pedigree.
  • Shooting Star Press. …
  • Randy Orton’s Punt. …
  • Brainbuster. …
  • Vertebreaker. …
  • Canadian Destroyer. …
  • The Piledriver. …
  • Curb Stomp. Seth Rollins’ former finisher, and the most recently banned move, one which almost seems inexplicable. …

What does DDT stand for? DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) was developed as the first of the modern synthetic insecticides in the 1940s.

Does the pedigree hurt? Pedigree. Triple H has dominated WWE over the years with his move, the Pedigree. There is nothing about it that doesn’t hurt. It is set up by The Game kicking you in the groin and putting your head in between his legs.

What is Big E finisher move? The Big Ending’s Flat

Big E simply hoists a guy onto his shoulders and then falls down onto his own derrière – where on earth is any opponent getting hurt on this move?! Most mid-card guys shot to the top when changing their finish (Stun Gun to Stunner, anyone?).

Is the RKO real?

For people relatively new they may believe the RKO was something handed by the wrestling gods to Randy Orton, but the reality is the move has been around in some form since the 1980s – and is a variation of one of the older moves in professional wrestling – the neckbreaker.

What was Goldberg’s finishing move? Goldberg’s finisher was two-fold, with the spear and the jackhammer.

Is RKO really effective? The answer is yes, but it also depends on the move. You can’t go around performing Corkscrew 630 Sentons whenever you’re in danger! Or you can’t actually use an RKO in the way Randy Orton does because the person receiving the move isn’t voluntarily going to fall down.

Is Randy Orton a powerhouse? Randy Orton never has been a “powerhouse” or a Kurt Angle tecnical sounded wrestler but he has a style that can make almost any match look amazing. People with in the WWE continue to relay on Orton to make more stars when he wrestles them and Orton is still trusted to carry the company when needed.

How can I be a wrestler?

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