Why didn’t the rebels use clones?

The Galatic Empire could have continued funding the clones but chose not to. They could just impose more taxes and hardships on Empire citizens to pay for them. So money is the reason the Rebels had no clone army.

Why are Star Destroyers triangular? All of that aside, why do Destroyers—and now Dreadnoughts—have to look like a piece of pizza? This shape would make sense if you’re parting air in front of an aircraft. The delta wing shape is essentially a triangle, and that helps keep the aircraft stable at high speeds.

Who was the first clone? On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep—the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell—is born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. Originally code-named “6LL3,” the cloned lamb was named after singer and actress Dolly Parton.

similarly Who was the last clone trooper? The story of Kix, the last clone trooper, as told by Star Wars Explained.

Why are there no rebel Venators?

Venators weren’t created until after the OT was done. In Legends the rebels did have some Clone Wars ships but usually nothing as big as a Venator for the same reasons, lack of crew and most being scrapped. It was just simpler to point at Jedi Fallen Order as an example.

Are Star Destroyers battleships? During the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, ships such as the Venator-class, Victory-class and Imperial-class Star Destroyers could be referred to as either “battleships” or “peacekeeping battleships”.

Who commands a Star Destroyer? It has a crew of 2,225,000 personnel, a majority of whom are adolescents training to become officers and stormtroopers. The Supremacy serves as the capital from which Supreme Leader Snoke commands the First Order.

Who was the first clone baby?

On Dec. 27, 2002, Brigitte Boisselier held a press conference in Florida, announcing the birth of the first human clone, called Eve.

Is human cloning legal? There is no federal law prohibiting human cloning; as of today, federal laws and regulations only address funding and other issues indirectly connected to cloning. At the state level, however, there are laws directly prohibiting or explicitly permitting different forms of cloning.

Can a Dinosaur be cloned? The oldest DNA fragments recovered are only 800,000 years old, so dinosaur cloning is probably impossible. True cloning also requires an intact, living cell and it has only ever been successful using a host animal of the same species.

Is Kix alive? Kix was alive sometime 30 years after the Battle of Endor. The trooper was awoken by a crew of Pirates, known as the Meson Martinet. It would be revealed that Kix was kidnapped by the Separatists.

Is Kix alive Star Wars?

After the groups clashed, Ithano found Kix, the so-called cargo. Disappointed, they regardless opened the pod, expecting the clone to fall out dead. Much to their shock, Kix was alive, and he began to ramble about how he needed to inform General Skywalker about the impending doom that awaited the Jedi.

Are any Clone Troopers still alive?

Few Clone Troopers are confirmed to be alive during the original trilogy, and a small number of clones who potentially lived during the films. … Crest was a clone who lived on as an Imperial Stormtrooper in the 2014 novel Tarkin and may have also continued to serve the Empire during the original trilogy.

Did the rebels ever steal a Star Destroyer? The Rebels sent their two captured Star Destroyers to the Hast Shipyards for repairs but they were severely damaged when an Imperial fleet attacked the shipyards. The Emancipator during the First Battle of Borleias. … In 6.5 ABY, the Emancipator led the New Republic forces at the First Battle of Borleias.

Why did the Empire scrap the Venator? The first and the reason the Empire gave was that the Venator wasn’t fit for the Tarkin Doctrine. A single Venator didn’t strike fear into the hearts of an entire planet like an Imperial-Class did.

Did the rebels use battle droids?

Most of the droids gained by the rebels were originally used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, while the rest were deactivated by the Empire and put in storage houses that were not placed under heavy guard, allowing rebel soldiers to ambush them and reprogram all the battle droids inside.

Can we build a Star Destroyer? Short answer, no. Long answer, there are several key components to a Star Destroyer, or any capital ship for that matter, that we simply do not have the technology to make.

How powerful is a Star Destroyer? Any Imperial Star Destroyer was fully capable of barraging an entire planet within a day at most. Even 3–4 of the standard Imperial-class could glass an entire planet in a only a few hours. Any Imperial Star Destroyer was fully capable of barraging an entire planet within a day at most.

What’s bigger than a Star Destroyer? The Executor-class measured 19 kilometers in length and was 100 times more massive than the ubiquitous Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Is it possible to build a Star Destroyer?

Short answer, no. Long answer, there are several key components to a Star Destroyer, or any capital ship for that matter, that we simply do not have the technology to make.

What is Vader’s Star Destroyer called? The mighty flagship of Darth Vader, the Executor led Death Squadron during the Empire’s assault on Hoth and pursued the Millennium Falcon to Bespin, where Luke Skywalker and his friends narrowly escaped her tractor beams.

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