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Did Picard and 7 of 9 ever meet?

After all, Picard and Seven of Nine had never even met in the mainstream Trek continuity and, on the surface, the two have little in common beyond their shared trauma at the hands of the Borg.

Why was Voyager Cancelled? Two reasons: The narrative of the series came to an end – The show had run its course and the end of series was a natural result of that. The series was being moved out of the way to be replaced by Enterprise – The franchise wanted to go in a new direction and that was the “prequel” series Enterprise.

Did Seven of Nine wear a corset?

Although Seven is introduced as a Borg drone, once she is “reclaimed” by the Voyager crew and returned to her human form, Ryan donned Seven’s infamous skintight silver catsuit. … The catsuit, with its corset complete with molded breasts, was so restrictively tight that Ryan had trouble breathing.

Is the Borg Queen 7 of 9 mother?

Seven of Nine
Species Human (at birth) Borg drone Human with Borg enhancements (last seen)
Affiliation United Federation of Planets (at birth) Borg Collective Starfleet Fenris Rangers (last seen)
Family Magnus Hansen (father) Erin Hansen (mother) Icheb (ward, “my child”)

Did Picard and 7 of 9 ever meet?

Do Janeway and Chakotay get together in the books?

In the non-canon Trek novels, Chakotay promptly ends his relationship with Seven shortly after returning to the Alpha Quadrant and he takes command of Voyager after Janeway is promoted to Admiral. Chakotay and Janeway do consummate their relationship, but just before Janeway’s untimely death.

What happened to 7 of 9 at the end of Voyager?

One sacrifices his life to destroy a Borg sphere and protect the vessel, dying in front of an emotional Seven. In the alternative future shown in “Timeless”, Seven of Nine and the vast majority of the Voyager crew are dead.

Is the Delta Quadrant real? The quarter of the Milky Way galaxy appearing to be located between 12 and 3 o’clock if the great plane of the galaxy is viewed as a clockface and the 6 o’clock position bisects the Sol system.

What happens to KES in Voyager? A member of the Ocampa species, Kes possessed telepathic abilities and was romantically involved with Neelix initially, before breaking off the entanglement in season 3. In a further alien quirk, Kes was tragically destined for a lifespan of only nine years.

Why did KES leave Voyager series?

At the time Berman and Taylor said they chose to remove Kes since they felt the character was not properly developed over the course of the show, though this was later revealed be a cover story to protect Lien. Executive producer Brannon Braga said this decision was a “failure of imagination on the writers’ part”.

Is Chakotay really Native American? Commander Chakotay, portrayed by Robert Beltran, on Star Trek: Voyager was of Native American descent, but the actor himself is a Mexican American. … But, for some reason, he began referring to himself as Highwater in the 1960s, and he became nationally known as an American Indian writer.

What created the Borg? After hints of a technologically superior race were dropped in The Next Generation’s first season finale “The Neutral Zone,” the Borg made their first actual appearance in the second season TNG episode “Q Who.” After season one failed to make any new alien races worthy antagonists for the Enterprise, the producers of …

What race is the Borg Queen? This Queen was soon replaced by another, almost identical one — a drone assimilated from Species 125 — who encountered the U.S.S. Voyager in the Delta Quadrant when that Federation crew attempted to procure a transwarp coil.

How many Borg are on a cube?

With a volume of 27 cubic kilometers and spanning more than 3,000 meters on every side, Cubes are the perfect embodiment of Borg mentality and efficiency.

Borg Cube.

Ship Information
Class Name: Cube
Vessel Dimensions: 3 kilometer sides. 27 cubic kilometer volume
Crew Compliment: 5,000 – 179,000 drones

Did Chakotay and Seven get married?

By the time of the series finale, “Endgame”, The Doctor had managed to remove the implant, allowing Seven to pursue a relationship with Chakotay. The alternative future seen at the start of the episode showed that Seven and Chakotay were eventually married, but she died while Voyager was still travelling home.

What happened to Janeway and Paris offspring? The two have mated and have had three offspring. The crew members recover their transformed Janeway and Paris to be returned to human form by the Doctor, and leave the offspring behind.

Who did Chakotay marry? After the Doctor removed the affected implants on her, she was free to become involved with the real Chakotay and the two finally began dating. In an alternate timeline, Janeway reveals that Seven of Nine and Chakotay were married.

What happens to Chakotay after Voyager?

Chakotay died in 2394, following Voyager’s return, and Admiral Janeway visits his grave marker in that episode. This future was undone by the future Janeway travelling back in time to Voyager to return it to Earth sooner.

Does 7 of 9 marry Chakotay? Seven begins a romantic relationship with Chakotay during her holodeck simulation of Voyager. She became his love interest and went on several dates with him. … In an alternate timeline, Janeway reveals that Seven of Nine and Chakotay were married.

Who created the Borg? Borg

The Borg
Created by Maurice Hurley
Base of operations Delta Quadrant
Leader The Borg are one single mind which is sometimes represented by the Borg Queen

Why would it take Voyager 75 years to get home? In Star Trek: Voyager, it is stated that it will take 75 years to travel 70,000 light years to reach Federation space. It is stated that the Voyager can sustain a maximum crusing speed of warp 9.975.

Why is warp 10 Impossible?

You can’t go faster than warp 10 because it is infinite velocity where you occupy all points in the universe at the same time. In TOS when they did so, it was on the old warp scsle where warp 14 is not warp 9 on the new scale. In Voyager, they discovered a new forn of dilithium that remained stable at transwarp speeds.

Does Neelix leave Voyager? Voyager continues toward home, and Captain Janeway bestows on Neelix the title of Official Starfleet Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant. The crew surprise Neelix with an honor ceremony to mark his departure. … Neelix, touched by the final gesture, leaves Voyager.

What race was Kes? Kes is a female Ocampa, the species with a life span of only nine years whose home system Voyager was pulled into by the “Caretaker” entity of the Nacene race; although she appears as a twenty-year-old in human years, Kes is actually just two.

Was Roxann pregnant during Voyager? Dawson was pregnant during the 4th season of Voyager. She wore a lab coat to hide her pregnancy for most of the season, but in VOY: “The Killing Game” and “The Killing Game, Part II”, she was shown on the holodeck to be pregnant, though Seven of Nine confirmed that it was a holographic baby.

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