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Is rise of Skywalker bad?

Unfortunately, The Rise of Skywalker is so disastrous that it retroactively ruins the otherwise wonderful sequel trilogy and the experience seems to have been so painful for so many of the actors (again: just look at Oscar Isaac’s face), that it’s doubtful any kind of additional exploration of these characters will …

likewise Who is Rey’s dad? After his confrontation with the phantom Emperor Palpatine, the new Supreme Leader learns that she is in fact the granddaughter of the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. And in a way is also his daughter. Rey’s father was a genetic clone of the Emperor himself.

Is Rey really a Skywalker?

While the Skywalker bloodline is technically gone, Rey honors her fallen mentors, Luke and Leia, by adopting their family name. … So, as far as the canon goes, yes, Rey is considered a Skywalker. It’s just like how any adopted child would be considered a member of the family that they were brought into.

How do I watch The Rise of Skywalker? Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is currently available to stream on Disney+. If you’re a subscriber to Disney+, that means you can watch this movie anytime you’d like.

Is Rey a Sith? Besides, Rey herself claims that she “is all the Jedi,” so clearly, she accepted the title and vanquished the Sith in her climatic duel with Darth Sidious. After the fight on Exegol, she buries the two lightsabers as a way to pay homage to Luke and Leia and to signify that their tasks have been completed.

Why is it called rise of Skywalker?

Not only was The Rise of Skywalker set to close out the sequel trilogy that began with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but it was also serving as the final chapter in the Skywalker saga. … So naming the movie after the Skywalker family that has remained the focus of Star Wars was the best way to indicate this was the end.

Is Palpatine Anakin’s father? Confirmed: The Emperor Was Anakin’s ‘Father’

Yes, Star Wars fans, Darth Vader #25 confirms that Anakin Skywalker was the result of Dark Side/Midi-chlorian manipulation inside of Shmi Skywalker’s womb – performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.

Is Luke Skywalker dead? Though Luke dies at the end of The Last Jedi, he returns as a Force spirit in The Rise of Skywalker, encouraging Rey to face her grandfather, the resurrected Emperor Palpatine. At the end of the film, the spirits of Luke and Leia give Rey their blessing to adopt the Skywalker surname and continue their family’s legacy.

Why did Rey bury the two lightsabers?

Buried them because both Luke and Leia had joined the Force and no longer needed them and she had her own yellow one. So she buried them as the end of a legacy. No real Skywalkers were left.

Why does Rey bury the lightsabers? After Luke and Leia’s deaths, she wanted to honor them by burying their (technically Luke’s is Anakins, but they’re pretending Luke’s actual weapon never existed) lightsabers. This is a completely unknown ritual never done before in the movies so it doesn’t make any sense, but it’s her way to mourn.

Is Star Wars over now? The trilogy’s second installment, The Last Jedi, was released on December 15, 2017, with Rian Johnson as screenwriter and director, and most of the cast returning. The final installment, The Rise of Skywalker, was released on December 20, 2019.

Who is Anakins dad? The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who was his father?” Shmi Skywalker and her baby, Anakin Skywalker Believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave Shmi Skywalker.

How is Uncle Owen related to Luke Skywalker?

Uncle and surrogate parent of Luke Skywalker in A New Hope, Owen and his wife, Beru, are killed by stormtroopers at their home on Tatooine. In the prequel films, Owen is the son of Cliegg Lars and stepbrother of Anakin Skywalker. He and his wife Beru take custody of Luke at the end of Revenge of the Sith.

Who is Luke Skywalker’s son?

The Legends story of Luke’s son, Ben Skywalker, as told by Star Wars Explained.

Are the Skywalkers human? The Luke and Han characters, although they resemble humans and have predominantly human physical characteristics, are manifestly not human. … Modern humans emerged only about 200,000 years ago. The Star Wars saga is set “a long time ago, in a galaxy far away.”

Who is the new Luke Skywalker? Sebastian Stan is everyone’s choice for a young Luke Skywalker and fans were left stunned by this incredible new Star Wars video featuring him in the role. People just can’t get enough of Sebastian Stan as Luke Skywalker.

What does a pink lightsaber mean?

A pink or magenta lightsaber blade may connote charm, femininity, compassion, or unconventionality.

What did the kiss between Rey and Ben mean? Did KYLO kiss Rey? Once she defeated Palpatine, Rey died and Kylo Ren brought her back through Force healing, at the cost of his own life. Rey kissed Kylo (now Ben as he returned to the light side), but the use of Force healing was too much for him and he died, becoming one with the Force.

Whose lightsaber was Rey holding at the end? The Skywalker lightsaber came into the possession of Maz Kanata, and called to the scavenger Rey.

Will Star Wars 10 happen? Star Wars Episode X is scheduled to come between December 2022 and December 2026, most probably. … Disney and Lucas Film have announced that Star Wars’ next movie will be released theatrically on December 16, 2022, then on December 20, 2024, and then on December 18, 2026.

Is KYLO Ren actually dead?

Yeah, it’s a bit complicated, but the gist is that Kylo did actually die when Palpatine threw him into the hole. After all, he did smash into a rock on his way down. At this point in the movie, Leia isn’t dead, only comatose. … “So Leia Force projects herself as Ben and uses her life force to save Rey.

Will there be another Skywalker trilogy? Back in 2017, EW reported that Rian Johnson was being tapped to create an entirely new Star Wars trilogy that Lucasfilm says will be “separate from the episodic Skywalker saga.” So far, not much else is known about the project but Johnson has confirmed that it’s still in the works.

What happened to SHMI? After Anakin left to become a Jedi in 32 BBY, she was sold to Cliegg Lars, who freed her and married her. Just before the Clone Wars, Shmi died in her son’s arms after being brutally tortured by a band of Tusken Raiders.

Who is Han Solo’s son? Supreme Leader Kylo Ren

The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben Solo was seduced by the dark side of the Force and renamed himself Kylo Ren: leader of the Knights of Ren, champion of the First Order, and apprentice to Supreme Leader Snoke.

How did Anakin’s mom get pregnant?

In The Phantom Menace, when Qui-Gon Jinn meets tiny Anakin Skywalker and his mother, he goes on about how the Force is like, crazy strong with Anakin or whatever, and then asks his mother about Anakin’s dad. Shmi Skywalker is pretty clear in her answer: There isn’t a father. She was impregnated by the Force.

Who took Luke Skywalker’s baby? Owen Lars would never see his stepbrother again – though his life would be shaped by Anakin and his legacy. At the end of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi brought Anakin’s infant son Luke to Owen and Beru. The young couple agreed to raise the boy as their own.

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