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Was Sidious afraid of Vader?

9 Palpatine Has The Influence

While his subject feared Darth Vader breaking down their doors, The Emperor was always the one with the real influence. He had several back-up apprentices, he also knew about all of Darth Vader’s, and he kept tabs on everything in the galaxy. … Also, Palpatine was the one with ambition.

likewise Did Darth Sidious fear Darth Vader? Sidious knew Vader’s deepest terrors and did not hesitate to use them as necessary. So yes he did, and it took the love of his son for him to break its chains over him. Originally Answered: Is Darth Vader really afraid of the Emperor?

Was Vader weak?

The thing is, Vader is both incredibly weak, and an absolute monster in the force. He’s far stronger than most other force users, but he is very weak compared to how powerful he could have become.

Was Anakin afraid of Palpatine? When Palpatine lost his lightsaber during that duel, that seemed the only time he showed any fear, but he may have been faking it to gain Anakin Skywalker’s sympathy. We all know how that turned out. Yes he was extremely wary.

What did Vader fear? Fear of loss was the main reason Darth Vader came into existence. The inability to accept change and the death of loved ones drove him to strive for absolute control no matter how brutal or twisted he became.

Why did Palpatine fear Qui-Gon?

Who beat Palpatine? Darth Sidious could only be beaten by Luke Skywalker and entities. He’s the #1 mortal Sith and a killing machine of absolute doom. Luke is superior to him, so he wins, and entities like Abeloth, Vitiate and the Ones are a tier of their own.

Who was the first Jedi ever? The first Jedi was Jedi Master Phanius, who later turned to the Dark Side, and became a Sith Lord.

Why is Vader so slow?

He’s not exactly slow, but his injuries and heavy armor made it a necessity that he not waste movement in combat. As such, what seems slow is actually calculated, precise movement. And with how fast jedi and sith can move, it’s saying something that he’d slaughtered a lot of them during his time as a jedi killer.

Was Palpatine afraid of Luke? Emperor Palpatine admitted to fearing Luke Skywalker and even said that if he had him by his side instead of Kylo Ren, he would have won the galaxy.

What really killed Vader? He died from force lightning and from having his helmet taken off. His helmet had a respirator, which kept him breathing. If it was taken off, he would not breathe. Sidious made a weakness in Vader: The inability to deal with force lightning.

Did the Jedi fear Anakin? No, because most Jedi are not given the chance to “Love” in the way that Anakin does. Anakin’s Fear came from losing the two people he most loved in his World.

Who did Sidious fear?

Darth Sidious was actually quite afraid of the cyborg general Grievous and here we will explain why he was so scared of him as well as Dooku’s plan to use Grievous to overthrow Sidious.

Why did Palpatine fear Qui Gon?

Was Obi Wan scared of Vader?

Why was Anakin so paranoid? As the Clone War comes to an end, in the years after his mother’s death and his inability to save her, Anakin gets very paranoid, specifically about Padmé. … In Revenge Of The Sith, Anakin is so desperate to save Padmé from a death he is so sure will happen, it massively aids his fall.

Who scared Vader?

Awarru Tark arrives aboard the Star Destroyer Avenger in a YT-1300 freighter, answering Darth Vader’s call for bounty hunters to find the Millennium Falcon.

Who was Palpatine afraid of? Still, only 171 Star Wars fans believe Palpatine would be terrified by Obi-Wan. In the prequels, Obi-Wan is the biggest threat to Palpatine emotionally. As Anakin’s Jedi Master, he’s got direct responsibility to raise him and train him as the Chosen One.

Who did Palpatine fear? Emperor Palpatine admitted to fearing Luke Skywalker and even said that if he had him by his side instead of Kylo Ren, he would have won the galaxy. Warning: spoilers for Star Wars: Darth Vader #11 and Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren below.

Which Jedi ordered the clones? When the Sith were revealed to have returned during the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Master Sifo-Dyas secretly commissioned the creation of a clone army, placing an order with the Kaminoan government before he was murdered by his friend, Count Dooku.

Who is the strongest Jedi in legends?

Star Wars: The 16 Most Powerful Jedi Who Ever Lived – Legends…

  • 8 Obi-Wan Kenobi. …
  • 7 Anakin Solo. …
  • 6 Revan. …
  • 5 Nomi Sunrider. …
  • 4 Jaina Solo. …
  • 3 Yoda. …
  • 2 Anakin Skywalker. …
  • 1 Luke Skywalker. Whereas Anakin’s enormous potential was limited thanks to injuries sustained in his battle with Obi-Wan, Luke’s power was nearly unlimited.

Can Luke beat Sidious? The only weapon Luke had that could overpower him was his ability to turn his father against him through love. Although that technically counts as defeating Palpatine, chances are Luke wouldn’t stand a chance against Sidious in single combat.

Who would win Thor or Palpatine? Infinity War Thor wins 9/10 against Darth Sidious. The God of Thunder’s lightning is far more powerful, and Stormbreaker would just give the Asgardian a huge edge over the Sith Lord.

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