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What is the best season of Enterprise?

The Xindi helped raise the profile of Star Trek: Enterprise in season three.

Why did enterprise get Cancelled? When discussing why Star Trek: Enterprise was canceled after four seasons, Trinneer pointed to scheduling issues with the network (UPN) as well as losing a major corporate backer for the show early on: The problem was that for the nights that we were on, usually your Major League Baseball team was also on UPN locally.

Was enterprise any good?

Star Trek: Enterprise is perhaps the most maligned series in the franchise’s history, so much so that it’s credited with Star Trek’s long absence from pop culture until the sleek J.J. Abrams reboot. … Enterprise ultimately failed in its uneasy relationship with canon in early seasons and poor characterization.

What is the best episode of Star Trek? The 10 best Star Trek: The Original Series episodes of all time

  • u201cBalance of Terroru201d
  • u201cA Taste of Armageddonu201d
  • u201cAmok Timeu201d
  • u201cMirror, Mirroru201d
  • u201cThe Doomsday Machineu201d
  • u201cThe Trouble With Tribblesu201d
  • u201cThe Enterprise Incidentu201d
  • u201cThe Tholian Webu201d

What is the best season of Enterprise?

Will there be a Star Trek Enterprise Season 5?

As Star Trek: Enterprise was officially canceled on 2 February 2005, its fifth season was never produced.

What happened to Captain Archer after Enterprise?

According to the computer profile, Archer was an Admiral and Chief of Staff at Starfleet Command at the time of his retirement. He later went on to serve as ambassador to Andoria from 2165 to 2175.

Why is warp 10 Impossible? You can’t go faster than warp 10 because it is infinite velocity where you occupy all points in the universe at the same time. In TOS when they did so, it was on the old warp scsle where warp 14 is not warp 9 on the new scale. In Voyager, they discovered a new forn of dilithium that remained stable at transwarp speeds.

Does T pol and trip get together? T’Pol kept her great-grandmother’s purse. In the alternate timeline seen in “E²”, T’Pol marries Trip and they have a son, Lorian, who becomes the captain of the Enterprise upon the death of Captain Archer.

What happened Jolene Blalock?


Rapino is the CEO of events promoter and venue operator Live Nation. Since marrying Rapino, Jolene Blalock has become a mother. She now has three children with her husband Michael.

Is T’Pol related to T Pau? For a while, the show’s creative team considered making T’Pau T’Pol’s sister, but rejected that option too. T’Pau did, however, turn up in a later episode as a extremist demanding the government return to the true teachings of the Vulcan philosopher Surak.

What happened to the Xindi after Enterprise? At the end of this long war, the Xindi-Reptilians and the Xindi-Insectoids forged an alliance which resulted in the destruction of the planet, sometime during the 2030s. The Xindi-Avians were unable to evacuate when Xindus was destroyed.

How fast is Transwarp speed? Transwarp speeds

Travel method Average speed (× c) Travel time
Transwarp conduit 876,000 about fifteen minutes
Transwarp coil 1,000,000 – 10,000,000 some days
Transwarp network Transwarp hub > 250,000,000 around five minutes
Transwarp threshold infinite 0

How long would it take to travel 70000 light years at Warp 9?

In Star Trek: Voyager, it is stated that it will take 75 years to travel 70,000 light years to reach Federation space. It is stated that the Voyager can sustain a maximum crusing speed of warp 9.975.

How fast is full impulse speed?

Full impulse speed is about one-quarter light speed, sufficient for interplanetary travel. Aboard Federation starships, fusion reactors power the engines using deuterium fuel to create helium plasma.

Is T’Pau related to t pol? Producer Brannon Braga later said that using T’Pau raised legal issues relating to Sturgeon’s rights in the character — and T’Pol simply looked easier to pronounce. For a while, the show’s creative team considered making T’Pau T’Pol’s sister, but rejected that option too.

Does Jolene Blalock do conventions? Even Jolene Blalock, who does not do any convention appearances or interviews these days, agreed to participate and everyone was just thrilled to see her when she showed up. Most of the others run into each other at the cons, but none had seen Jolene in years.

Who officiated at Spock’s wedding?

In 2267, T’Pau officiated over Spock’s wedding ceremony that turned into a fiasco. She later saved Captain Kirk’s career by telling Starfleet she requested his visit to Vulcan. A Vulcan starship, T’Pau NSP-17938, was named for her. After its decommission in 2364 the T’Pau was used in a Romulan invasion plot.

What happened Vulcan? The destruction of Vulcan took place on stardate 2258. 42 after the Romulan Nero drilled to the planet’s core where he detonated red matter, causing the planet to implode. A Starfleet task force attempted to stop the attack, but were no match for Nero’s starship the Narada.

Who was silik working for? Played by:

Silik was a genetically enhanced Suliban and a senior official in the Cabal during the 2150s. In that capacity, he led the Cabal in fighting on the 22nd century front of the Temporal Cold War.

What happened to the Suliban? The Suliban are originally from Sector 3641, but their homeworld became unhabitable around the Earth year of 1851, and most of them became nomadic. … The Cabal has caused trouble for some civilian Suliban who have assimilated into other cultures.

How fast are the Borg?

The Borg’s Transwarp Technology History

Their speed was a mere 20 times greater than the maximum warp of a Galaxy class starship, from 200,000 to 400,000c.

Is warp faster than Transwarp? Transwarp generally refers to speeds and technologies that are beyond conventional warp drives. The warp drive has a natural physical or economical limit beyond which higher speeds are no longer possible.

Which is faster quantum slipstream or Transwarp? It is generally consented that Transwarp is both faster and safer than the Quantum Slipstream.

How far is Vulcan from Earth? In Star Trek lore, Vulcan is the home of logic, learning and the deeply beloved first officer Mr. Spock. While Vulcan is fictional, the star system it belongs to–40 Eridani–is very real. It’s located only 16.5 light-years away from Earth and its primary star can be spotted with the naked eye.

How fast is warp 1 in miles per hour?

If you are referring to Warp Factor 1 from the Star Trek universe, this is equivalent to the speed of light. The speed of light, and hence Warp Factor 1, is roughly 670,616,629 mph.

Why was Voyager Cancelled? Two reasons: The narrative of the series came to an end – The show had run its course and the end of series was a natural result of that. The series was being moved out of the way to be replaced by Enterprise – The franchise wanted to go in a new direction and that was the “prequel” series Enterprise.

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