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Where is the Arkham City Easter egg in Arkham Asylum?

likewise How many endings does Arkham Asylum have? As many of you May know Arkham Asylum has three Alternate endings based on how many challenges you completed: 1.

Is Jason Todd in Arkham Asylum?

The video uses the same animation and lines from the final Jason hallucination, only this time Joker and Jason are shown in a part of Arkham Asylum instead of just darkness. Jason is the only Robin that Oracle has not dated in the Arkhamverse.

Where is the secret room in Arkham Mansion? Batman: Arkham Asylum had a secret room hidden behind a wall in Warden Quincy Sharp’s office.

Who’s the main man in the main hall? “Who is the main man in the main hall?” On the east side of this room is a short hallway that leads to the South Corridor. On the left wall is a portrait of Commissioner Gordon. Scan it.

Who is Prometheus Batman?

Prometheus is a name used by multiple supervillains appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. … Commonly an adversary of the Justice League, Prometheus would serve as an enemy of the superheroes Batman, Green Arrow and Midnighter.

Does Scarecrow have gas? Fear Toxin, also known as Fear Gas, was the signature weapon used by the Scarecrow. It induced involuntary and sometimes irrational fear in its victims’ minds, driving them insane.

What time is teatime in Wonderland riddle? It’s always six o’clock now. ‘ A bright idea came into Alice’s head. `Is that the reason so many tea-things are put out here?’

What does a bird need in the rain?

Land Birds in the Rain

Unless it’s a heavy rain, water will generally just slide off the feathers, and their bodies will be kept warm thanks to the air pockets beneath their feathers. But in the heavier rains, most land birds will seek shelter from the storm.

Can Prometheus beat Batman? Batman would most likely win, since he knows Prometheus’s weaknesses and it will use it again in Combat to beat him.

What metal is cyborg made of? When alloyed with titanium and vanadium, it forms a near-invulnerable metal. The bionic and cybernetic components of Cyborg (Victor Stone) are made out of depleted promethium, and Arsenal of the Justice League of America wears a bodysuit that combines both depleted promethium and Kevlar.

Why does Prometheus hate Green Arrow? In reality, Adrian was a serial killer who called himself Prometheus, and not only knew that Oliver is the Green Arrow, but had a personal vendetta against him as well. … In his alter-ego, Prometheus crusaded against Green Arrow in order to destroy the vigilante’s life and legacy.

What is Batman fear?

He fears lossing loved ones. He admits to fearing Bane. But his greatest fear, is failure. And that’s what makes Batman a badass. It isn’t that he is fearless, it’s that his fear of failure allows him to overcome all lesser fears.

Is Nightwing immune to Scarecrow?

After Batman’s death, Jason Todd stole a sample of the fear gas from the Batcave and later used it against Nightwing during their final confrontation for the mantle of the Bat. However, Nightwing was immune to the drug thanks to his previous encounter with Two-Face.

What is Nightwing afraid of? Nightwing worries about failing his responsibilities. But Dick Grayson’s greatest fear is simple: he is afraid of any of the younger Robins getting hurt or killed. While Nightwing has trained and protected any number of heroes, he will always feel a special responsibility to anyone wearing the Robin mantle.

What did Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum see? Carroll, having introduced two fat little men named Tweedledum and Tweedledee, quotes the nursery rhyme, which the two brothers then go on to enact. They agree to have a battle, but never have one. When they see a monstrous black crow swooping down, they take to their heels.

What time is tea in England?

In most of the United Kingdom (namely, the North of England, North and South Wales, the English Midlands, Scotland, and some rural and working class areas of Northern Ireland), people traditionally call their midday meal dinner and their evening meal tea (served around 6 pm), whereas the upper social classes would call …

Where is Riddler map in intensive treatment? After you open the very bottom portion of the Secure Transit area (beat the third Scarecrow sequence — in Intensive Care), take the stairs up into the control room on the north side. Here you’ll find the Intensive Treatment Secrets Map sitting on a desk.

What do birds do when it rains heavy? Their feathers shed rain and trap air against their bodies to help keep them warm. But heavy rains prompt them to seek shelter in bushes and trees. They remain motionless and conserve energy much as they do at night. Prolonged rain means the birds will run an energy deficit.

What does a bird symbolize? Birds are widely regarded as symbols of freedom and eternity due to their ability to soar into the skies. … Bird symbolism tends to associate birds with infinite possibilities, renewal, eternity, and the transition between life and death.

What do I need to know before buying a bird?

Things to Know Before Getting a Pet Bird

  1. Birds are early risers. …
  2. Birds are noisy. …
  3. Birds need specialty care.An avian veterinarian is an essential part of a pet bird’s life. …
  4. Birds are expensive. …
  5. Birds are amazing pets. …
  6. Birds require research.

How do you get the Prometheus Riddle? To grab this trophy, you’ll need to clear the Guard Room of Joker toxin first. See the Prometheus Riddle above to see how. Once done, simply grapple to the area that held the toxin switch box and walk through the door. The trophy is on the other side, no longer separated from you by an electrified gate.

What is Cyborg’s IQ? Cyborg has an IQ of 170 and his mind is almost a computer in itself. However, his mind is still a human mind at the end of the day — despite the constant data always filing into his brain. This means that while Cyborg might be able to control machines at will, he is vulnerable to mind control.

Can Cyborg beat vision? Cyborg is also the smartest thing, he can easilly think of a plan within 5 seconds to defeat Vision. Vision is artificial, whereas Cyborg is par alien, because he was born from the mother box. It may be a close fight, but Cyborg would win.

How did the flash get his powers?

He gains his powers after getting frustrated and throwing a small machine at the window of his lab. The machine broke through the window, leaving a hole big enough for a bolt of lightning to charge through the hole and strike him.

Is Prometheus Malcolm Merlyn? Tommy Merlyn (died November 27, 2017) was the best friend of the late Führer Oliver and a member of the Nazi military wing of Schutzstaffel in the New Reich, where he operated under the codename Prometheus. He was captured and held captive in S.T.A.R. Labs before killing himself via a cyanide pill.

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