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Who is the most savage Marvel character?

Top 10 Most Violent Marvel Superheroes

  • #10: Ghost Rider. Being the Spirit of Vengeance, this fiery hero doesn’t pull his punches in the slightest. …
  • #9: Namor. …
  • #8: Blade. …
  • #7: Daredevil. …
  • #6: Moon Knight. …
  • #5: Venom. …
  • #4: The Hulk. …
  • #3: Deadpool.

Who is the angriest Marvel character? The Hulk may be known as one of the angriest characters in all of fiction, but these 20 can definitely give him a run for his money. Don’t make the Hulk angry, you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry. That has been the Marvel Universe’s number one rule ever since the Hulk debuted in The Incredible Hulk #1 in 1962.

What is the darkest Marvel comic?

Marvel: The 10 Darkest Comic Book Timelines, Ranked

  • 3 King Hyperion.
  • 4 Age Of Ultron. …
  • 5 Spider-Man: Reign. …
  • 6 House Of M. …
  • 7 Hulk: The End. …
  • 8 Marvel Zombies. …
  • 9 Age Of Apocalypse. …
  • 10 God Of Thunder. …

Why is Punisher feared? Castle is a merciless, dedicated, trained, efficient, unrelenting and resourceful killer with no sense of self preservation or self worth. And he cheats. This makes him very, very dangerous. Punisher aka Frank Castle is human.

Who is the most savage Marvel character?

Who is the most violent Marvel villain?

Top 10 Most Violent Marvel Villains

  1. #1: Carnage. Speaking of “carnage”, this villain’s name says it all!
  2. #2: Sabretooth. Wolverine is the best at what he does, and what he does ain’t pretty. …
  3. #3: Bullseye. …
  4. #4: Red Skull. …
  5. #5: Venom (Mac Gargan) …
  6. #6: Daken. …
  7. #7: Arcade. …
  8. #8: Madcap. …

Who is the most powerful superhero in Marvel?

Marvel fans ranked The Incredible Hulk as the franchise’s most powerful character, with an average rating of 8.69. Thor, the God of Thunder, was close behind, nearly tying the Hulk with an average score of 8.66.

Are DC Comics violent? DC and Marvel are pretty much interchangeable when it comes to themes as they basically have the same writers and very similar characters. They both have their dose of gory and violent stories. However, if you consider as DC the comics from Vertigo and Wildstorm, then DC takes the cake easily.

What is the darkest DC comic? The 10 Darkest Timelines In DC Comics History

  • 10 Dark Knight Returns.
  • 9 Armageddon 2001.
  • 8 Batgirl Dies.
  • 7 Mordu’s Reign.
  • 6 Injustice.
  • 5 Justice Lords.
  • 4 Rock of Ages.
  • 3 Titans Tomorrow.

Which is darker Marvel or DC?

DC storylines are darker and edgier than Marvel, making them much more compelling. Darker storylines are more challenging to the viewer because often, the characters face uncomfortable truths and realities which challenge their views and ideals.

Did Thanos rips Iron Man in half? When Iron Man tries to get the infinity gauntlet from him, the Mad Titan attacks him. After that, Thanos rips Tony Stark into pieces. Yes, that’s right.

Can Punisher beat Joker? The Punisher did actually try to kill The Joker once. (some DC Marvel crossover comic) But Batman stopped him. Problem solved, if Punisher is fast enough and there’s no Batman to stop him, yes he’ll kill Joker. If Joker is faster, Punisher may still be able to kill him with a long-range gun.

Can Punisher beat Wolverine? Wolverine is faster, stronger, and has a healing factor that makes him nearly immortal. As skilled as the Punisher is, a direct confortation would result in the death of Frank. The disadvantage of Wolverine though is close range attacks, whereas the Punisher can always go long range to stay out of the way of his claws.

Can Punisher beat Hulk?

As with many of the heroes on this list, The Punisher killed The Hulk during the former’s run through the Marvel cast of characters. … Then, he simply waits for Hulk to transform back into Bruce Banner, and follows him into an abandoned alley. Punisher shoots Banner in the head, killing him instantly.

Who is the most feared avenger?

1. Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch is the most powerful Avenger we have, and while many people actually believe Captain Marvel or Thor are the most powerful, Scarlet Witch comes out on top. She has continued to demonstrate extraordinary power since Infinity War.

Who is Spider Man’s most powerful villain? The most powerful villain in the Amazing Spider-Man movies was Lizard. Honestly, in the comics, animated series, and even in The Amazing Spider-Man, Lizard is the most tragic Spider-Man villain of all time.

Who is Avengers biggest villain? For his various and vast connections to their history as a recurring menace a creation of founding Avenger Hank Pym, and creator of the synthezoid Avenger the Vision, Ultron is perhaps the ultimate nemesis of the Avengers. He always comes back, worse and more violent than before, and will never be stopped.

Who is stronger Marvel or DC?

More of Marvel’s characters have won in more categories, but DC’s victors far outshine their competition. No one from the Marvel Universe or the DC Universe compares to Superman, whereas Iron Man and Hawkeye just barely edge out their rivals. Still, we’d say that Marvel has stronger characters for now.

Who is the fastest superhero? Of all the characters in DC, Wally West is the fastest superhero they have. And why? Because, while others use the Speed Force, Wally has become one with it. To put it into perspective, Wally West is so fast that he has covered over 7,000 miles in just under 7 seconds.

Who is the number 1 superhero of all time? Superman. One of the most popular superheros today is still Superman. If anyone can challenge the popularity of Batman then it would have to be Superman. He has been around one year longer and has proven to be just as enduring.

What is the darkest DC Comic? The 10 Darkest Timelines In DC Comics History

  • 10 Dark Knight Returns.
  • 9 Armageddon 2001.
  • 8 Batgirl Dies.
  • 7 Mordu’s Reign.
  • 6 Injustice.
  • 5 Justice Lords.
  • 4 Rock of Ages.
  • 3 Titans Tomorrow.

Who is the most feared villain in DC?

1 The Anti-Monitor Destroyed Countless Universes

There’s no other villain anywhere who can match that kind of body count. The amount of beings who died in his terrible quest for power is literally inconceivable. He’s by far the deadliest villain in DC history and it’s doubtful anyone will ever match him.

Who is the darkest superhero? Top 10 Darkest Versions of Classic Superheroes

  • #3: Parallax.
  • #4: Hydra Supreme. …
  • #5: Pappy Banner. …
  • #6: Out Of Time Flash. …
  • #7: Old Man Logan. …
  • #8: Dark Beast. …
  • #9: The Dark Knight Returns. …
  • #10: Spider-Man Noir. …

Why are DC Comics Dark? They are meant to be bright primary colors, not skulking in the shadows. It used to be that DC Comics weren’t so grim and so dark. Then in the early 1960’s Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduced a new type of hero with Marvel Comics – a type of hero that was a little darker, a little more grounded in reality.

Why is DC dark? DC is often perceived as darker because they have a tendency to use darker tones and art. Marvel literally has had two story lines that revolve around the concept of heroes fighting, even killing each other, but nobody ever said a word about it being ‘dark’. They destroy entire worlds and universes.

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