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Why did Ahsoka not help Luke?

Aside from the fact that she didn’t knew about Luke and Leia, and that she was created decades after that story was told,, she might not have been alive to train Luke. She may not survive until the events of A New Hope to train Luke.

likewise What was Ahsoka’s Midichlorian count? If I had to guess I would think she has around a 13k-14k midichlorian count. I say this because anakin describes her abilities as “advanced” at a young age and that she is young to be a padawan. By rebels she is rivaling Vader and I think would easily rival many Jedi masters of the prequel era by that time.

Does Luke Skywalker meet Ezra Bridger?

Why did Ahsoka not train Grogu? Originally Answered: Why didn’t Ahsoka train Grogu in the Mandalorian show season 2? Because of Anakin. She says Grogu’s fears haunt him and that training him could be detrimental since Anakin had the same problem and we know where that led him.

Why is Luke so strong? By Return of the Jedi it seems that Luke’s inherent talent is his defining feature. Raw power. His Jedi training only lasted long enough to give him a framework to develop his powers within. By The Force Awakens he has obtained Jedi manuscripts and learned a great deal but he hasn’t been tested by the Dark Side.

How many Midichlorians did Luke have?

Anakin’s midi chlorian count is 20000. palpatine has 19000. luke has 15000.

Who has highest Midichlorian count? The highest known midi-chlorian count—over 20,000 per cell—belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians.

Did Darth Vader lose Midichlorians? Yes he did technically lose midichlorians. There were midichlorians in the flesh that Obi Wan cut from him so the net total of midichlorians in his body changed. However his midichlorian COUNT was unchanged. Midichlorian counts, in the way they determine force sensitivity, are based on cellular concentration.

Why is Kanan’s lightsaber in two pieces?

A survivor of Order 66, Kanan Jarrus hid his Jedi identity from all but those closest to him. Carrying a lightsaber openly would be too dangerous in the age of the Empire, so he kept his Jedi weapon in disparate pieces on his belt.

Is Ezra older than Luke? Two days older than Luke. It’s been established that Ezra was born on “Empire Day”, the day Palpatine changed the Republic to the Empire in 19 BBY. Luke on the other hand, was born two days after Empire Day, so Ezra is two days older.

Did Luke know about Kanan? I just realized that Luke definitely heard of Kanan and Ezra. In the Rebels episode ‘A Princess on Lothal’ Leia sees both of them in action, using the force and their lightsabers.

Who will train Grogu? Grogu clearly is going to go and train with Luke Skywalker. Grogu is a powerful Force-wielder, and while Luke’s teachings will help him control his power and control his anger, one aspect of his life that will be hard to overcome at this point will be his attachment to Din Djarin.

Will Ahsoka train Grogu?

Ahsoka Tano finally made her live-action debut in Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2, “The Jedi.” However, while Ahsoka did provide Din Djarin some information about his young ward, the Jedi refused to train Grogu/The Child. … Ahsoka’s troubles with the Jedi eventually resulted in her being cast out of the Jedi Order.

What did Grogu tell Ahsoka?

After Mando tracks down Ahsoka in the burnt-down forest planet, she reads The Child’s mind and learns that his name is Grogu. Ahsoka tells Mando that The Child was raised in a Jedi temple on the planet of Coruscant (the main city planet, the capital of the galaxy, which we see in the prequel movies).

Did Luke move a black hole? Luke Skywalker was able to use the Force to seize the black hole and had it suck itself into its own void. As a result, the Chazrach assault force was scattered and began attacking everything that moved, including each other. Despite this success, the Yuuzhan Vong still held the upper hand.

How old was Luke Skywalker in the first movie? The flashback at the start of the film takes place approximately 6 years after Revenge of the Sith, making Luke 5 years old during the flashback. Episode IV – A New Hope took place in 0 BBY, making Luke 19 during the events of the first Star Wars movie.

Who is the most powerful force user of all time?

14 Of The Most Overpowered Force Users In Star Wars Canon, Ranked

  1. 1 The Father.
  2. 2 The Force Priestesses. …
  3. 3 The Daughter. …
  4. 4 The Son. …
  5. 5 Bendu. …
  6. 6 Darth Sidious. …
  7. 7 The Rey Skywalker/Ben Solo Dyad. …
  8. 8 Anakin Skywalker. …

How many Midichlorians did Mace Windu have? Jedi Masters typically have around 15,000 midi-chlorians per cell, and this is generally accepted as the max midi-chlorian level. Examples of such masters would be Count Dooku, who is estimated to have 14,000, and Mace Windu, who is estimated to have 16,000.

Is Luke in Mandalorian? Luke Skywalker returned.

After several years of complaining from Star Wars fanboys, everyone was ostensibly thrilled by the surprise appearance of a de-aged Mark Hamill in the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, titled “The Rescue.”

How many Midichlorians did Obi-Wan Kenobi have? Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Midi-chlorian count is around 13,000, Yoda’s clocks in at 17,700, and Darth Sidious is estimated to be about 20,000. Anakin Skywalker is said to have had the largest Midi-chlorian count in Jedi history, which is around 28,000 to 30,000, with George Lucas insinuating it could be as high as 40,000.

What was Mace Windu’s Midichlorian count?

Jedi Masters typically have around 15,000 midi-chlorians per cell, and this is generally accepted as the max midi-chlorian level. Examples of such masters would be Count Dooku, who is estimated to have 14,000, and Mace Windu, who is estimated to have 16,000.

What was KYLO Ren’s Midichlorian count? Yoda would be about 19000, because Qui-Gon said “it’s over 20000. That’s more than master Yoda” meaning yoda was close to that benchmark. Kylo would understandably be high, as he is grandson of Anakin, but 24000 seems a bit high.

What is Darth Maul’s Midichlorian count? 14,000. it would be most likely that maul’s count was In the top 1 percentile of force talent due to him able to perform feats that most jedi would have a hard time with. If maul was trained as a jedi from a very young age and did not have the dark side in him.

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