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Is The Day the Earth Stood Still OK for kids?

Suspenseful, thoughtful alien-encounter classic. Alien invasion thriller too scary for young kids. Nonstop over-the-top fun for teens and up.

Is Will Smith’s son in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still? LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – Will Smith’s 9-year-old son has landed a part in Fox’s remake of the sci-fi thriller “The Day the Earth Stood Still.”

Who was the boy in The Day the Earth Stood Still? Fox contract player Patricia Neal was signed to play Helen Benson, the Earthling that Klaatu/ Mr. Carpenter relates to the closest. Her son Bobby was played by long-time child actor Billy Gray.

similarly What is the message of the day the earth stood still? In any case, Knowing was late to the game: The Day The Earth Stood Still was first released in 1951. Despite a few tweaks, the core message of the movie is the same in the 2008 remake. Humans must change their violent ways and work for peace if we’re to survive.

Who was the robot in The Day the Earth Stood Still?

Gort, the killer robot in The Day the Earth Stood Still, was played by Lock Martin — an usher at the theater in 1951 when he was cast in the film (mainly owing to his height). The Day The Earth Stood Still, despite its age, holds up as a great science-fiction film.

Where did the spaceship land in The Day the Earth Stood Still? In the Hollywood remake The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) by director Scott Derrickson, starring Keanu Reeves (as Klaatu) and Jennifer Connelly (as Helen Benson), the spaceship landed in New York’s Central Park, with the theme of global ecological damage rather than nuclear war.

What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning? At the Equator, the earth’s rotational motion is at its fastest, about a thousand miles an hour. If that motion suddenly stopped, the momentum would send things flying eastward. Moving rocks and oceans would trigger earthquakes and tsunamis. The still-moving atmosphere would scour landscapes.

What language did Klaatu speak? For most of the movie, Klaatu inexplicably speaks perfect English. This is never really explained, but I also don’t really spend a lot of time wondering about it (until now. Dammit!), but he is from a different planet, which presumably has its own language. Gort, the giant robot, does not speak English.

What would happen if the sun died?

In five billion years, the sun is expected to expand, becoming what is known as a red giant. “In this process of the sun becoming a red giant, it’s likely going to obliterate the inner planets … … Once the sun completely runs out fuel, it will contract into a cold corpse of a star – a white dwarf.

What If Earth lost its gravity? Without gravity, humans and other objects would become weightless. … That’s because the planet would continue spinning, without exerting gravity to keep objects tied to it [source: Domanico]. A loss of gravity would also mean that the planet would stop pulling down air, water and Earth’s atmosphere.

What if Earth goes into black hole? If Earth got close enough, the side nearest to the black hole would begin stretching toward it. Our atmosphere would start to be vacuumed up. And then huge chunks of the Earth would rip apart and follow suit. … The strong uneven gravitational pull on the Earth would continuously deform the planet.

What did Patricia O’Neal say to the robot? “Klaatu barada nikto” is a phrase that originated in the 1951 science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still. The humanoid alien protagonist of the film, Klaatu (Michael Rennie), instructs Helen Benson (Patricia Neal) that if any harm befalls him, she must say the phrase to the robot Gort (Lockard Martin).

How fast was the object moving in the day the earth stood still?

In the present day, a rapidly moving object is detected beyond Jupiter’s orbit and forecast to impact Manhattan. It is moving at 30,000 kilometers per second, fast enough that its impact would destroy all life on Earth.

What was the name of Klaatu’s spaceship?

Klaatu is famous in part because of the phrase “Klaatu barada nikto!”.

Klaatu (The Day the Earth Stood Still)

Klaatu presenting a gift
First appearance “Farewell to the Master”
Created by Harry Bates
Portrayed by Michael Rennie (1951) Keanu Reeves (2008)

What if the sun disappeared for 5 seconds? Consider this: if the sun was to disappear for exactly five seconds it would be 8.2 minutes AFTER the fact before anyone on Earth would even know that it had happened, so by the time we were aware the event would have passed.

How cold would Earth be without the sun? For us on earth, it is a source of life. Even in Antarctica, the coldest place on our planet, temperatures seldom drop below minus 50°C. Without the sun’s radiation, the temperature would be anywhere near the absolute zero of minus 273°C. Life would have never continued nor even have come into existence.

How cold is space?

If atoms come to a complete stop, they are at absolute zero. Space is just above that, at an average temperature of 2.7 Kelvin (about minus 455 degrees Fahrenheit).

What if Earth had two suns?

What would happen if oxygen stopped for 5 seconds? If the world lost its oxygen for five seconds, the earth would be an extremely dangerous place to live in. Due to the severe sunburn, our inner ear would explode. … Without oxygen, there would not any fire and the combustion process in our vehicles would stop. Every mode of transport except electric would fail instantly.

Can we live without gravity? It might seem like a fantasy to float weightlessly through the air but practically, the human body would go through negative change, such as muscle and bone atrophy while living in zero gravity. Even the rivers, lakes and oceans on Earth wouldn’t stand in zero gravity, without which humans cannot survive.

How long until our sun dies?

According to a study in the journal Nature Astronomy earlier this year, the Sun will ‘die’ in about 10 billion years. Stars, like the Sun, start to ‘die’ when they’ve burnt all of their hydrogen fuel. At this point, they expand and become a very large kind of star called a red giant.

Can a wormhole exist? In the early days of research on black holes, before they even had that name, physicists did not yet know if these bizarre objects existed in the real world. The original idea of a wormhole came from physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen. …

Do we live in black hole? We can’t calculate what happens in a black hole’s singularity — the laws of physics literally break down — but we can calculate what happens on the boundary of an event horizon. … We might live in a universe within a black hole within a universe within a black hole. It might just be black holes all the way down.

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