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Should I save Dracks Scouts?

Save the Krogan Scouts

Your heroism impresses Drack and will prevent the Krogans from being transformed into Krogan Behemoths. This ensures they will be around to help you later. … Luckily, these mutated Salarian enemies aren’t nearly as difficult to fight compared to the Krogan Behemoths.

Do choices really matter in Mass Effect? At its core, Mass Effect is based around player agency, giving them the ability to choose everything from Shepard’s morality to which character is romanced throughout the course of the trilogy, but some choices don’t really matter in the end. …

Is Kesh a female Krogan? Nakmor Kesh is a female krogan and part of the core team of station engineers who built the Nexus. Her contributions during the mission include station upkeep and ensuring all facilities remain in working order.

similarly Should I save the Krogan or the Pathfinder? If you choose to save the Krogans, much of the gameplay beyond your choice will be the same as if you had saved the Salarian Pathfinder. However, if you try to make contact with Raeka she won’t answer your call, and the Krogan will try to comfort you.

Can you get the Krogan and Salarians?

According to an IGN guide, completing this mission in a certain way will help you both save Mordin and potentially get the Krogan and Salarians for ME3. … As soon as you get to Mordin’s student Maelon in his lab, you’ll be offered the decision to save the latter’s data on the genophage cure.

Is Paragon or Renegade better? Being Paragon or Renegade will greatly impact Shepard’s dialogue and quick-time actions throughout the games. Overall, it can be said that Renegade Shepard’s dialogue is much funnier and more memorable. After all, Paragon Shepard is patient and kind which leaves little room for “creativity”.

Can Noveria skip? Hell, you could even do Feros and Noveria, then Virmire. You get special dialogue with Liara if you do that, if memory serves. Whatever you choose, you have to go to the planet you skipped before the story continues. You can’t skip them entirely.

What happens if you save the Council in Mass Effect? If you Save the Council.

Mass Effect 2 Consequences: The Council will grant you an audience and reinstate you as a Spectre as a sign of goodwill. Mass Effect 3 Consequences: The Alliance fleet will be weaker War Assets, however, you will gain the Ascension as a War Asset as well.

Are there female Turians?

Turians are also recognisable by their voices, which have a distinctive flanging effect. Males and females do not differ greatly in physical appearance, but female turians lack the crest of horns found in the males of the race, and possess cat-like eyes. The lifespan of a turian is comparable to that of a human.

How old is Wrex? 6 Wrex Is Estimated To Be Well Over 1000 Years Old

Although Wrex was the youngest tribal leader in a thousand years, we can assume he wasn’t a newborn, and that puts his age at between 1300-1500 years old at least. Other than some Asari matriarchs, that would make Wrex one of the oldest people in the galaxy.

How long can a Krogan live? Krogan can live for well over a thousand years, as evidenced by Warlord Okeer, a veteran of the Krogan Rebellions who died (of decidedly unnatural causes) well over a thousand years after the Rebellions ended.

Is it better to cure the Genophage or not? There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether the Genophage should be cured. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure.

How do I keep Captain Dunn alive?

For the sake of saving Captain Dunn, you must convince Avitus Rix to become the Turian Pathfinder. If you don’t, he’ll end up down on his luck later on Kadara, and the Turians will remain without a Pathfinder of their own.

Can you save the salarian ark?

You can either save some Krogan scouts or rescue the Salarian Pathfinder who climbed aboard to rescue her people. It’s a tough call, but yours to make. When all is said and done, the Salarian Ark will be rescued and you’ve proven to the worlds of Mass Effect: Andromeda that you are indeed a hero.

Is it worth sabotaging the Genophage cure? If you cured the genophage, you will receive no salarian assets at this time, leaving the STG force you gained from Sur’Kesh as their race’s only representatives at this time. Sabotaging the cure grants you their First Fleet and Mordin Solus (if he was spared).

Can you cure the Genophage? There is no known cure for the genophage.

Is Garrus a renegade or paragon?

Depending on your choices in conversations with Garrus and his personal assignment, Garrus will have a more Renegade or Paragon streak. This change in Garrus’s nature will carry over into Mass Effect 2, so it’s worth ensuring that you guide your turian squadmate down the path you want him to follow.

Can you have both Paragon and Renegade? “Evil” in terms of two independent ratings of “Paragon” and “Renegade”. It is very possible for a hero who is primarily Paragon to also have earned some Renegade points along the way, though this does not typically detract from his Paragon score.

Is renegade bad Mass Effect? There are two Moralities in the game: Paragon for good actions, and Renegade for bad actions. Unlike games like Knights of the old Republic or inFamous (which move a needle up and down a single meter), in Mass Effect performing good and bad actions earn Paragon and Renegade points.

Can you go back to feros? If returning to the facility after finishing other business on Feros (but not before fully finishing Feros: The Thorian), the data can be accessed by entering the corridor previously blocked by an energy field. … Once the data is obtained, simply return it to the researcher.

Should I save the Citadel?

Consequences. If you save the Council, they are much warmer towards you in Mass Effect 2. … You will not have the Destiny Ascension as a ship for your war effort in Mass Effect 3. Overall, we do recommend saving the Council as it offers more benefits further down the line.

What happens if udina as councilor? If Shepard nominated Udina, he becomes the first human Councilor, with Anderson as his assistant. Should Anderson be nominated for the Council, Udina becomes his personal adviser instead. If Udina is the human Councilor and the previous Council was left to perish, Shepard will be unable to regain Spectre status.

Should I import me1 character to me2? IMO, you definitely want to import your Mass Effect 1 character into Mass Effect 2. All of the major choices that you made in Mass Effect 1 will be reflected. The same is true for the side quests, to a lesser extent.

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