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What lightsaber was Rey holding at the end?

At the end of the film, Rey returns to Luke’s home on Tatooine, where she buries Luke and Leia’s lightsabers, then reveals her own—decked out with a golden-yellow blade, a hilt that looks like it might’ve been crafted from her staff, and a cigarette-lighter-looking switch that turns it on.

Is Rey’s lightsaber double sided? Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker revealed Rey’s own lightsaber: a single-blade yellow lightsaber. Here’s why it doesn’t have a double blade.

Can Jedi use red lightsabers? Originally Answered: Can Jedi use red lightsabers? Yes. There is no inherent aspect of a red lightsaber that makes it unusuable for a Jedi. Just as a Sith could use a lightsaber of any other colour.

similarly Do Jedi choose their lightsaber color? When a Force-user bonds with a Kyber, it changes into a specific color that will determine its lightsaber blade color. In most cases, a Kyber turns blue or green, but on rare occasions, they become colors like purple or yellow.

Who is the old woman at the end of rise of Skywalker?

The old woman on Tatooine at the end of The Rise of Skywalker is played by Ann Firbank (credited as Annie Firbank), a veteran of the screen and stage who has been acting since the 1950s.

How long is Rey’s lightsaber hilt? The hilt was twenty-eight centimeters long, cylindrical in shape, and made of alloy metal and carbon composites.

Is Rey’s lightsaber made from her staff? Rey crafted her lightsaber from parts of the staff. Rey’s lightsaber was built of salvaged materials from her quarterstaff and a cloth handgrip.

Who has the double ended lightsaber? The Sith apprentice Darth Maul wielded a double-bladed lightsaber made by joining two hilts together end-to-end. Maul’s dexterity and extensive training allowed him to use his weapon as a single-bladed saber, or to activate both crimson blades and fight multiple opponents at once.

Did Obi-Wan use a red lightsaber?

It doesn’t last long, but Kenobi uses a red lightsaber to fight alongside Ventress against Maul and Opress. … Source: “Revenge” from series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” (2008) Ventress does get her lightsaber back, and Kenobi also takes his own back from Maul.

Why does Windu have purple lightsaber? The lightsaber’s amethyst color was chosen by the actor portraying Windu, Samuel L. Jackson, who wanted a purple lightsaber because he was “the second baddest Jedi in the universe” and so he could find himself among the many Jedi featured in the Battle of Geonosis scene.

Who has a orange lightsaber? Kyle Katarn wields an orange lightsaber in the game Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, as do the Mandalorian Knights in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: War comic book miniseries.

What is the rarest color of lightsaber? Bronze is the rarest lightsaber color not only because it was forged only once under special circumstances but because in all of Star Wars extended canon, there has only been one known user of this unique blade.

Is there a pink lightsaber?

A pink lightsaber or a magenta lightsaber, is a rare lightsaber blade color. … In Star Wars Legends, the first Mara Jade lightsaber emits a magenta blade. A magenta lightsaber is also a playable option in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011).

Is Finn a Windu?

Finn was raised as a child soldier and the only allusion to his birth parents is in the revelation that he, and other Stormtroopers, were taken from them young and raised with a fanatical devotion to the First Order. … Jackson himself included — think that Finn is the son of Mace Windu.

Why does Rey call herself Skywalker? While the Skywalker bloodline is technically gone, Rey honors her fallen mentors, Luke and Leia, by adopting their family name. When asked who she is by the old woman on Tatooine, the former Palpatine declares herself Rey Skywalker, and she becomes a new part of the family.

Is Rey the reincarnation of Anakin? Although Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker concludes with Rey choosing the name of Skywalker and completing her path to becoming a Jedi, it’s possible that she was actually the reincarnation of Anakin all along.

How did Maz get Anakin’s lightsaber?

Rey found the saber in a basement storeroom of Maz’s castle, but when asked where she got it, Maz simply answered that it was a “question for another time.” Although the mystery has yet to be answered in full, further Star Wars content has addressed the topic.

Why does Rey call herself Skywalker? After Skywalker sacrificed himself to save the Resistance, Rey assumed his mantle as the last Jedi and became the apprentice of General Leia Organa. … Although Solo was the last of the Skywalker bloodline, Rey assumed the name “Skywalker” to honor their memory, repudiating her own heritage as a Palpatine.

How Maz get Anakin’s lightsaber? The short answer is: we don’t know yet about the details of how she got the saber, but we know that Maz found it by scavenging through Cloud City’s depths. “While thought to have been lost in Cloud City, the lightsaber was salvaged from the mining colony’s industrial depths and eventually found its way to Maz Kanata.

Why did Rey call herself Skywalker? While the Skywalker bloodline is technically gone, Rey honors her fallen mentors, Luke and Leia, by adopting their family name. When asked who she is by the old woman on Tatooine, the former Palpatine declares herself Rey Skywalker, and she becomes a new part of the family.

Why does Rey’s lightsaber flash different colors?

Rey would go on to train and bond at first with Luke Skywalker. Her connection to him was forged when she claimed his lightsaber. When she joined the Rebel forces against the First Order, she also trained under Leia Skywalker. … And as it ignites, it flashes and literally shows Rey’s true colors.

Why is Darth Maul’s lightsaber different? This seemingly unique design is actually rooted in ancient knowledge of the Sith. Maul used a Sith Holocron in the possession of his master Darth Sidious to learn of the double-bladed design and use it to create his own lightsaber.

Did any Jedi use double bladed lightsabers? Jedi Temple Guards and Jedi Brutes also wielded double-bladed lightsabers, with the former having ones that produced yellow blades. The notorious cyborg Jedi hunter General Grievous also possessed a double-bladed lightsaber; specifically the weapon carried by Darth Zannah.

Why did Darth Maul use a double lightsaber? It says he did it because he wanted to challenge himself to get stronger in the dark side and he wanted to use the most difficult weapon to wield that he could. Hence the double sided saber. This comes directly from the Darth Maul novel.

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