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Why is Aragog scared of the basilisk?

The reason is a practical, biological one; spiders have multiple eyes (some up to 12 eyes), and no eyelids. Vision in so many directions, with no way to protect those eyes from the gaze of a creature that kills on sight. ✔️

Why do spiders fear the basilisk? It has been theorised that spiders fear Basilisks because arachnids can see nearly 360-degrees around them and cannot shut their eyes, leaving them extremely vulnerable to the monster’s killing gaze.

Hereof Is nagini the basilisk? Nagini is one of many snakes featured in the series

After all, the great Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets was a huge snake, bred with Salazar Slytherin’s intent to murder Muggle-borns.

Who was Salazar Slytherin’s heir? At least part of the legend was revealed to be true in 1943, when Tom Marvolo Riddle, the heir of Slytherin, opened the Chamber and used the Basilisk to attack Muggle-borns.

Why did Hagrid send Harry to aragog?

Hagrid wanted Harry and Ron to gather more information regarding the Chamber of Secrets. So, he sent them to Aragog, a monster spider who can talk and has millions of giant children. … Aragog was his pet since he was a student at Hogwarts.

How did Tom Riddle get the basilisk? Fifty years after Tom Riddle’s original attack on Hogwarts, the basilisk was re-awakened by a shade of Riddle generated by a Horcrux he had housed in his old diary.

Is aragog a girl? Aragog is the male spider raised by Hagrid when he was a pupil of Hogwarts. Mosag is the female spider from the books and movie, she’s the wife of Aragog.

Why does Voldemort have no nose? Voldemort does not have a nose because his physical appearance changed due to him delving deeper and deeper into the dark magic. That made his face more serpentine and his nose changed into two snakelike slits. … Some theories say he lost his body, experimenting with dark magic. Hence, he created his own body.

Who killed Voldemort?

During his final confrontation with Voldemort, Harry knew that he (Harry) was the Elder Wand’s true master. He again cast Expelliarmus, ejecting the wand from Voldemort’s hand into his own as the Killing Curse rebounded off his body, fatally striking Voldemort.

Are basilisks evil? The first member of these creatures was created in ancient Greece by Herpo the Foul and was one of the first examples of the Dark Arts and was considered highly dangerous, inhumane and illegal to breed. The Basilisk was considered the enemy of almost everything, the enemy of humans, spiders, and roosters.

Who is the true heir of Gryffindor? If it were known that Ginny is the Heir to Gryffindor, it makes it that much more symbolic that Riddle, Heir of Slytherin, took her into the Chamber. The whole situation mimics the centuries long fight between Godric and Salazar and their respective houses.

Is Voldemort a virgin? By the time he was Lord Voldemort (despite what I said earlier about the graveyard scene), Tom Riddle had become fully and completely asexual. So my answer to the question is yes, Lord Voldemort was a virgin. More questions on Quora: Harry Potter: Did Tom Riddle open the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago?

Who is the true heir of Ravenclaw?

The Heir of Ravenclaw was an individual prophesized by the centaur Harmonthrep to bring honor and glory to the House of Ravenclaw. The Heir of Ravenclaw was in time revealed to be Brian Dumbledore.

Why did Aragog try to eat Harry and Ron?

And Aragog was loyal to Hagrid because he had fed him and nurtured him, and even found him a wife, allowinh Aragog to have a family. But he was not loyal to Harry and Ron, even though they were friends of Hagrid (and not HIS FRIENDS!), so he just wanted to feed them to his kids.

Why didn’t Aragog eat Hagrid? Aragog and his children never harmed Hagrid because Aragog respected him for taking care of him and giving him love like a parent.

Why did Aragog get smaller? The creature shop realised that constructing the Acromantula would be more economical than CGI, and it would also allow them to make Aragog walk and talk on a life-size scale. Aragog was completely redesigned for Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince to show his age.

Who is the heir of Salazar Slytherin?

At least part of the legend was revealed to be true in 1943, when Tom Marvolo Riddle, the heir of Slytherin, opened the Chamber and used the Basilisk to attack Muggle-borns.

What can destroy a Horcrux? Harry Potter and Hermione Granger both used the fangs of Salazar Slytherin’s Basilisk to destroy Tom Riddle’s Diary and Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup, respectively. This was only achievable as basilisk venom was an extremely destructive substance capable of destroying Horcruxes.

Is Thomas Riddle Voldemort? Tom Marvolo Riddle (31 December 1926 – 2 May 1998), later known as Lord Voldemort or, alternatively as You-Know-Who, the Dark Lord, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was an English half-blood wizard considered to have been the most powerful and dangerous Dark Wizard of all time.

How are basilisks born? The basilisk is alleged to be hatched by a cockerel from the egg of a serpent or toad (the reverse of the cockatrice, which was hatched from a cockerel’s “egg” incubated by a serpent or toad). … There is the same power also in the serpent called the basilisk.

How old is Hagrid?

Hagrid is 63 in Harry’s second year. He was 13 when he was accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets, and Ginny opened it 50 years later. In the epilogue of the Deathly Hallows, Hagrid is 87 years old.

Who gave Hagrid the dragon egg? Quirrell got one step closer to stealing the stone midway through spring. Hidden under a cloak, he met Hagrid in the Hog’s Head. The two drank and played a game of cards; Quirrell purposely lost in order to give Hagrid a dragon’s egg.

Can muggles see wizards? The platform 9 3/4 is not visible to muggles, but there’s a risk that muggles can notice wizards vanishing. In Chamber of Secrets, it was written: “The tricky bit was getting onto platform nine and three-quarters, which wasn’t visible to the Muggle eye.

Was Lily Potter a Muggle? Harry Potter’s mother, Lily Evans, and his best friend, Hermione Granger, were Muggle-born. Unlike children of wizarding families who receive their Hogwarts acceptance letter via an owl, a Hogwarts employee will usually hand-deliver the letter to Muggle-borns in order to meet their Muggle parents and explain.

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