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Do you need to be Thane for Hearthfire?

You are able to buy property in the holds of Hjaalmarch, Falkreath, and The Pale. As you can imagine, this means there are three plots of land that you are able to purchase in Hearthfire. … You do not need to be a Thane to purchase land, although you may have to do a radiant quest.

Moreover, How do I become Thane of Morthal? In brief

  1. Talk to Inn Keeper of Moorside Inn, Jonna.
  2. Talk to Jarl, Idgrod Ravencrone. Complete Laid to Rest. Wipe out the threat to Morthal.
  3. Help three citizens (see full list of options below) Sell wood to Hroggar. Sell wood to Jorgen. Challenge and defeat Benor in a fist fight.
  4. Talk to Jarl, become Thane.

Can you lose Thane status? 1 Answer. Yes. As you can read here, you can only lose your Thane status if the Jarl position is changed during a Civil War battle. Whiterun, specifically, you have to fight for the Stormcloaks to change your Thane status.

then What happens if you lose the battle of whiterun? If you fail to defend the barricades, you will have to fall back and defend the drawbridge instead. Failing to defend the drawbridge has little consequences, as the quest is impossible to fail unless you die. There will be a percentage count of how many Stormcloak soldiers are left.

Can maven make you Thane?

The jarl requires you to buy the house in town as well as completing a number of miscellaneous quests. Once this is achieved you can become Thane. In order to receive this quest you must first aid the current jarl, Laila Law-Giver or Maven Black-Briar, by dealing with the skooma trade in Riften.

What happens to Alva in Skyrim? During the quest Laid to Rest, she is normally killed by you if she is in the house when you break in to get her journal. If she is not in the house, it is not necessary to kill her to complete the quest. If she is not killed she will be found in Movarth’s Lair later on.

How do I start the Morthal quest? This quest can be started by speaking with the Moorside Inn innkeeper, Jonna, who will mention the burned down house nearby. Alternatively, Idgrod Ravencrone (or Sorli the Builder if the Dragonborn sided with the Stormcloaks during the Civil War) can be asked regarding the subject.

Where is the Jarl of Hjaalmarch? Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone is the Jarl of Hjaalmarch and resides in Highmoon Hall in Morthal.

How many times can you use the Thane excuse?

When you are a thane in a Hold, you can use the excuse to get out of a crime only once.

Can you lose Thane status in Skyrim? If you lose your thane status in your hold (due to the jarl that granted it being removed by the Civil War or Season Unending), then your housecarl will still call you thane but you will be unable to use your status to avoid being arrested by the guards until it is reinstated.

Can I become a Jarl? You cannot become Jarl in the base game. The most you can become is Thane in the holds. As SuperSajuuk said, there’s no option for becoming a Jarl in the vanilla versions of Skyrim and it’s DLCs.

Do you lose your house in whiterun If you join the Stormcloaks? Breezehome is untouched by the stormcloaks so it should be fine. You will however have to talk to the yarl about becoming thane and stuff.

Are the Stormcloaks bad in Skyrim?

The Stormcloaks aren’t necessarily evil and there decisions are made from the heart. The whole crisis isn’t black and white that’s for sure and you can’t blame the Stormcloaks for Rebelling because banning one’s God is very personal.

Does whiterun always get destroyed?

PC 360 When reporting to Ulfric after the Battle of Whiterun, he may not give dialogue to continue the mission. Whiterun will remain destroyed and the Civil War storyline cannot be completed.

Is the Jarl of Riften? Laila Law-Giver is the Jarl of Riften, though the amount of influence she actually has over the citizens of the Rift is debatable.

How do you get Sapphire to tell you her name? In the Dragonborn expansion, it is revealed that Sapphire is Delvin Mallory’s niece and the daughter of the Raven Rock blacksmith Glover Mallory. If you tell her this by bringing her Glover’s Letter, she will reward you with an exquisite sapphire.

Who is Riften’s Skooma dealer?

Walkthrough. After completing the Helping Hand quest, the Dragonborn can speak to Wujeeta again and ask her if she got the Skooma. She is reluctant to say, but can be persuaded to give up the name of her dealer: Sarthis Idren and where he can be found (the Riften Warehouse).

Who killed Alva Skyrim?

If the Dragonborn does nothing, the vampire will kill Alva. If Dragonborn uses Voice of the Emperor on Alva while in her house, it may cause her to run to Movarth’s lair. If power’s effect expires before she reaches it, she will go back to Morthal and attack everyone on sight.

How do you fight Alva?

Be wary of falling off the nearby cliff if dodging. Can be easily killed by tossing an Alluring Skull near the edge of the cliff, he’ll run right towards it and fall to his death.

Who is Lami Skyrim? Lami is a Nord and adept-level alchemist from Morthal. She can be found in the Thaumaturgist’s Hut in Morthal, where she is the shopkeeper. Here she lives with her husband Jorgen in their house across the bridge by the wood mill.

Is Alva a vampire?

Alva is a Nord vampire and a resident of Morthal. She lives in her house in Morthal with the widower, Hroggar, and can be seen wandering around Morthal after dark. She is a vampire who was sent to Morthal by the master vampire Movarth to turn some townsfolk while preying on the rest.

How do I activate the child’s coffin in Skyrim? Upon finding a Child’s Coffin behind and to the right of the burned out house, the Dragonborn is attacked by Laelette. After killing Laelette, the Dragonborn discovers she was a vampire. At this point, the Child’s Coffin can be activated and the Dragonborn can once again talk to Helgi’s Ghost.

Is Morthal imperial or Stormcloak? The Holds of Skyrim

Hold Capital Allegiance [ note 1 ]
Hjaalmarch Morthal Imperial
The Pale Dawnstar Stormcloak
The Reach Markarth Imperial
The Rift Riften Stormcloak

How do I help citizens of Hjaalmarch? Once you have completed the prerequisite, speak with the jarl again and she will ask you to assist the people of the hold. You must assist three people in the hold, usually by completing favor quests for them.

What places are in Hjaalmarch?

Nordic Ruins/Tombs

  • Dead Men’s Respite.
  • Folgunthur.
  • Kjenstag Ruins.
  • Labyrinthian.
  • Lost Valkygg.
  • Rannveig’s Fast.
  • Ustengrav.

Is solitude part of Hjaalmarch?

Hjaalmarch is a hold in northern Skyrim, with its capital in Morthal. … Despite its position just east of the capital of Skyrim, Solitude, Hjaalmarch is remote and isolated.

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