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What is Apprendre?

Apprendre, which commonly means “to learn,” is a frequently used irregular French -re verb. ✔️

How do you conjugate apprendre in present tense? Aprender is a Spanish regular er verb meaning to learn.

Aprender Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo aprendo
él/ella aprende
nosotros/as aprendemos
vosotros/as aprendéis

Hereof Is apprendre regular or irregular? Apprendre is a third group verb and thus irregular. It’s also something of an anomaly in French grammar: Only verbs related to prendre are conjugated in precisely this way.

What is apprendre in the past tense? Daily Verb Lesson: French for learn is apprendre

Simple Tenses apprendre Present Participle: apprenant




Simple Past Passé Simple learned appris apprîmes
Future Futur will learn apprendrai apprendrons

What is apprendre in passe compose?

Apprendre Passé Composé

The passé composé of Apprendre is formed by combining the auxiliary verb avoir with the past participle appris.

What is escribir in present tense? The verb escribir means ‘to write‘. This verb is regular in the present indicative and progressive tenses. It follows a regular pattern in the present perfect tense, but the participle (escrito) is irregular.

What is comer in yo form? Comer is a Spanish regular er verb meaning to eat.

Comer Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo como
él/ella come
nosotros/as comemos
vosotros/as coméis

Is escribir regular or irregular? The verb escribir is a regular ‐ ir verb in all forms and tenses.

What is the subjunctive form of Apprendre?

Does apprendre require the subjunctive? No, apprendre does not take the subjunctive: Par exemple… J’apprends que le monde est extrêmement compliqué.

Where does comprendre come from? You may also better comprehend the verb if you understand the origin of the English word “comprehend.” The American-English word derives from a Middle English term, which comes from the Anglo-French comprendre, comprehendre.

Is vendre irregular? Vendre is a regular -RE verb.

How do you conjugate apprendre in the subjunctive? The prendre conjugation tables below show how to form the French verb prendre according to tense and person.

Perfect subjunctive.

je prenne
il/elle prenne
nous prenions
vous preniez
ils/elles prennent

What form is escribir?


inglés yo

write, am writing
Present Perfect I have written he escrito
Imperfect I was writing, used to write, wrote escribía
Preterite I wrote escribí

What tense is escribir in?

Escribir is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to write.

Escribir Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo escribo
él/ella escribe
ns. escribimos
vs. escribís

What is the ustedes form of escribir? Future



escribirás Vosotros
Ella/Él/Ud. escribirá Ellos/Ellas/Uds.

Can comer be reflexive? The reflexive form of comer, comerse, is used to express the action of “eating whole/entire thing.” It is often used in the imperative form and followed with the word todo, meaning “everything,” to add emphasis.

What is the present progressive of Comer?

We Are Always Eating

They use the present progressive tense of comer (koh-MEHR), which means ‘to eat’. … The present progressive tense of ‘to eat’ in English is ‘I am eating, you are eating, etc. ‘ In other words, it is the ‘-ing’ ending of verbs. Yo estoy comiendo una ensalada, or, in English, I am eating a salad.

Is Ver irregular? The verbs ir (to go), ver (to see), and ser (to be) are completely irregular in the imperfect tense. … In Table , notice that ver has the regular endings for an ‐er verb.

What is escribir in the preterite? Escribir is a Spanish verb meaning to write. Escribir is conjugated as a

regular ir verb

in the preterite tense.

Escribir Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo escribí
él/ella escribió
nosotros/as escribimos
vosotros/as escribisteis

Is escribir an infinitive? Hablar is the Spanish equivalent to the English infinitive “to speak,” beber is “to drink,” and escribir is “to write.” You will be able to recognize the infinitive form of verbs in Spanish because they always end in one of three ways: – ar, – er, or – ir.

Is subjunctive used with Croire?

The French word croire is an irregular verb that means “to believe,” and it may require the subjunctive, depending on whether it is used affirmatively, negatively or interrogatively. … You’ll use the subjunctive when ​croire is used to express doubt or uncertainty.

What is the meaning of understood in French? French Translation. compris. More French words for understood. entendu adjective. heard, agreed, knowing.

Is Boire irregular? The French verb boire means ‘to drink. ‘ It is an irregular -re verb, meaning it does not follow the same conjugation pattern as other verbs that end in -re.

Is Manger an irregular verb? Manger is a regular French -er verb, but it is also a spelling-change verb. This means that it takes all the regular -er endings, but a small spelling change is made to the stem for consistency of pronunciation.

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