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Who is Obi-Wan’s daughter?

Rey is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s daughter or granddaughter somehow: This would be a bit of a curveball, admittedly, but it’s weird that there hasn’t been a Kenobi in this series just yet. ✔️

How did Anakin get his scar? In the Expanded Universe, Anakin received the scar over his right eye during a lightsaber fight with Asajj Ventress. This particular fight is depicted in the original Clone Wars TV series that ran from 2003 to 2005.

Hereof Who killed Satine Kryze? Maul ruled over the Shadow Collective with his brother, and former apprentice to Count Dooku, Savage Oppress. Satine was later killed by Darth Maul in front of Obi-Wan Kenobi just before the Battle of Sundari.

Who took Luke Skywalker’s baby? Owen Lars would never see his stepbrother again – though his life would be shaped by Anakin and his legacy. At the end of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi brought Anakin’s infant son Luke to Owen and Beru. The young couple agreed to raise the boy as their own.

Who killed Duchess Satine?


Satine was thrown in prison, but rescued by her old love Obi-Wan Kenobi and her sister Bo-Katan. Her escape was short-lived, however: Maul’s forces recaptured Satine and Obi-Wan, and Maul killed the duchess as Obi-Wan watched in horror.

Is Ventress dead? Ventress was killed while bringing him back to the Light. She was laid to rest on Dathomir by Voss and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Why did Anakin’s eyes turn red? Since he was in the presence of someone he loves, Anakin was no longer channeling the dark side emotions that fueled his assault on the Separatists. … Showing his eyes changing color at that point in Revenge of the Sith let people know he had finally become Darth Vader.

Why did the Jedi stop wearing armor? The reason many stopped was simply down to mobility. Whilst Jedi armour plate was light and mobile, in relation to armour at least, nothing offered as much mobility as Jedi robes. To boot, robes were traditional and many Jedi saw them as the correct attire and only true combat attire.

Why was Satine killed?

When Kenobi came to rescue Kryze from imprisonment in her own royal palace, Maul murdered her before Kenobi’s eyes as retribution for his previous bisection of Maul. Kryze used her final breaths to reaffirm her decades-old love for Kenobi before passing on.

Is Mando the ruler of Mandalore? Mando is the King of Mandalore and Ruler After The Events of The Mandalorian Season 2. … The Darksaber is considered as the symbol of power in the planet of Mandalore. Whoever wields the Darksaber would, technically, hold the power in Mandalore and would, technically, be the ruler of the planet.

Who betrayed Duchess Satine? Merrik is secretly sympathetic to the Death Watch, and betrays Duchess Satine when she is most vulnerable — en route from Mandalore to Coruscant aboard her starship Coronet. The slippery Merrik tries to outwit the Duchess and her protector, Obi-Wan Kenobi, but ends up running afoul of Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber.

Who is Anakins dad? The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who was his father?” Shmi Skywalker and her baby, Anakin Skywalker Believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave Shmi Skywalker.

What is Uncle Owen last name?

Owen Lars first appeared in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which was written and directed by George Lucas. In A New Hope, Lars was portrayed by Phil Brown and credited as “Uncle Owen”.

Is Anakin Palpatine’s son?

Anakin’s father is The Emperor. Palpatine manipulated the Midi-chlorians inside of Shmi’s womb to create Anakin. … By admitting he learned the secrets to create life with the force before killing his master and therefore would be the only one to create Anakin from Midi-chlorians.

What happened Satine Kryze? Kryze died in Kenobi’s arms, proclaiming her love for her friend as her government lay in ruin and Mandalore’s era of peace and pacifism ended.

What happened Korkie Kryze? In vengeance, he marshaled an attack against Sarrakh in pursuit of the Dark Lord Xeurros, formerly Luke Torres. This battle saw the death of Korkie, age 20.

Is Sabine Wren Obi-Wan’s daughter?

It is wholly possible that Obi-Wan Kenobi never had children, Sabine Wren is just a Mandalorian of Clan Wren, House Vizsla, and Rey’s parents are of no significance.

Was Savage opress a Sith Lord? Savage Opress was a Dathomirian Zabrak Nightbrother who became a Sith Lord alongside his younger brother, Darth Maul, during the Clone Wars. … Opress soon became a Sith apprentice to Dooku, who intended to use his new acolyte to overthrow his own Master, Darth Sidious, and claim control of the galaxy.

Why was savage opress so powerful? Savage Opress transformed by Nightsisters magic became a terrifying opponent for the Jedi. He was a head taller, with a broad chest, strong arms and a full crown of sharp horns, increasing his strength, durability, agility, and stamina. Savage was a proficient lightsaber duelist.

Is Aurra Sing dead? Aurra Sing was a female Palliduvan bounty hunter who operated prior to and during the Clone Wars. … Sing’s bounty hunter career, however, ultimately came to an end with her death at the hands of Tobias Beckett.

What really killed Vader?

During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master. After his death, Anakin became one with the Force.

Why didn’t Anakin have Sith eyes while fighting Obi-Wan?

How many Jedi were killed on Geonosis? The outcome of the Battle of Geonosis would be disastrous for the Jedi Order, as about 170 of the 200 Jedi would perish on Geonosis’ reddish soil. Let’s meet the valiant Jedi who joined Master Windu to Geonosis. “This party’s over!”

Why does Obi Wan have clone armor? General Obi-Wan Kenobi wore clone trooper armor in the Battle of Muunilinst to protect himself from the lances of Durge and his army of swoop-riding assassin droids.

Why do Jedi wear brown?

The Ceremonial Jedi Robe was a traditional brown robe with parts of the robe made of pure white cloth that could only be worn by the most honorable Jedi Masters. The robe was only given to Jedi that gave everything to serve and protect the Galaxy, and would sometimes be rewarded after death.

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