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Are Star Wars fans nerds or geeks?

No. Liking Star Wars has fully transitioned from “nerdy” to “fashionable”. Liking Star Trek (beyond the most recent films with the younger actors) is still somewhat nerdy (though much less so than a decade or two ago).

likewise What are hard core Star Wars fans called? Star Wars fans are called Star Wars fans.

Is there an official Star Wars fan club?

The Hyperspace Club was given its name in 2004 when it merged with the subscriber feature of, the official Star Wars website.

What is a toxic Star Wars fan? u201cWhen fans attempt to call out legitimate criticisms with the recent Star Wars films, most notably The Last Jedi, they are met with accusations that they are sexists, racists, or infuriated that some fan theory or head canon didn’t get fulfilled. In short, they’re labeled toxic.u201d

How can you tell if someone is a Star Wars fan? 23 signs you’re a Star Wars superfan

  1. You “open” automatic doors using the Force.
  2. Your Wi-Fi network’s called “Secret Rebel Base.”
  3. You’ve dissected the Han/Greedo scene into bullet trajectories and conjectures even a JFK conspiracy theorist would be jealous of.
  4. You hate the Yuuzhan Vong.

What is the most famous line in Star Wars?

The most famous line in Star Wars is “May the Force be with you“. The dialogue is well written and can be quoted as a standalone.

What is Yoda’s famous saying? 1. “Do or do not. There is no try.” This quote is a simple lesson in commitment and the power in giving something our all—not just giving it a try.

What does the Jedi say? A Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, trained in the ways of the light side of the Force, could take comfort in the words of the mantra of the Jedi Code: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity.

How do you say hello in Star Wars?

Like any traveler, the first word you’re likely to learn is “hello.” Batuu has two greetings depending on the time of day. “Bright suns” is the appropriate salutation during the day. “Rising moons” works for the evening.

Who trained Yoda? N’Kata Del Gormo was a Force-sensitive male Hysalrian Jedi Master who lived during the times of the Galactic Republic. According to legend, he found and trained Yoda and a Force-sensitive Human friend.

What is the Sith code? The Code of the Sith, also known as Qotsisajak, was a mantra that expressed the core beliefs of the Sith. It was an inversion of the Jedi Code, a set of rules for members of the Jedi Order. It notably taught its followers that it is for the strong to destroy the weak.

Why does Yoda talk backwards? Originally Answered: Why did Yoda talk backwards in Star Wars? It’s a trick the wise often use. Speak slowly, sometimes in broken English (or whatever language), and it forces the other person to TRULY LISTEN. Otherwise, people don’t pay proper attention to hear the words of wisdom.

Can a Jedi love?

25 Fall In Love

This is the most well-known of the Jedi rules. Love leads to attachment and attachment leads to strong emotions, which are the path to the Dark Side of the Force. Because of this, Jedi are forbidden to fall in love…which doesn’t stop Anakin Skywalker from falling in love with Padmé.

Can a Jedi drink?

Although the Jedi Lord Valenthyne Farfalla was known to enjoy fine wine circa 1000 BBY, alcohol was not recommended for Jedi by the time of the Clone Wars. The Jedi Council did frown upon Padawans getting intoxicated, although this was a guideline rather than an actual interdiction.

Can a Jedi have 2 padawans? A Jedi Master may not have more than one Padawan. This particular rule developed after the Old Sith Wars, as most ancient Masters such as Arca Jeth, Thon, Vodo-Siosk Baas and Krynda Draay did not have to abide by it.

Why does Obi-Wan Kenobi say hello there? Basically he said it to call attention to the fact that he was there, that he had made his presence known.

What do they call bathrooms in Star Wars?

Boba Fett Returns – The Loop

A refresher, also known as a lavatory, a bathroom, a restroom, a privy, or, colloquially, a fresher, was a room designed for personal hygiene. They could be found in numerous locations, such as Imperial academies or starships such as the 690 light freighter.

Who trained Luke Skywalker? Approximately two decades after the Galactic Empire rose to power, Luke Skywalker embarked on a journey to become a Jedi Knight like his father before him. He was initially trained by Anakin Skywalker’s former Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who taught Luke how to sense the Force through his feelings.

Who was the first Jedi ever? The first Jedi was Jedi Master Phanius, who later turned to the Dark Side, and became a Sith Lord.

Who was the first Sith? As the first Dark Lord of the Sith, Ajunta Pall founded the first Sith Empire and expanded it onto other worlds.

What is the GREY Jedi Code?

There is passion, yet peace; serenity, yet emotion; chaos, yet order. I am a wielder of the flame; a champion of balance. I am a guardian of life. I am a Gray Jedi.

Do the Sith have a saying? “Through Power I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me.” – Sith Code.

What is Yoda’s syntax? Yoda’s syntax is called object–subject–verb syntax, because he typically begins a sentence with what an English speaker would consider to be the object of a sentence. It makes Yoda’s speech sound exotic and antiquated, because most human languages are either subject-verb-object (like English is) or subject-object-verb.

What language do Jedi speak? Galactic Basic, often simply Basic, is the lingua franca of the Star Wars universe, for which the language in which the works are dubbed or written acts as a stand-in.

Does Yoda say may the force be with you?

May the force be with you.” Qui-gon Jin says it to young Anakin just before the pod race starts. Mace Windu and Yoda exchange this pleasantry between them. Yoda says it another time.

Can Jedi have kids? The Jedi of the Prequel Era are not only forbidden to have romantic attachments; they are forbidden to have familial ones. Force-sensitive children are taken from their families at a young age and brought up in the Jedi Temple, without much or any connection with their biological relatives.

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