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Is the NCR in Fallout 2?

The New California Republic was first mentioned in the Fallout end cutscenes for Shady Sands and it first appeared in Fallout 2. It is also mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas and its game guide.

How do you get small energy cells in Fallout 2? Fallout 2

  1. Found in some containers in the New Reno Arms basement.
  2. Found on the corpses of some of the dead Enclave members at the Mariposa Military Base.

Can you sleep with Tandi?

No, you cannot “shag” Tandi.

What city is shady sands? Shady Sands is a small settlement in New California around 2161, led by Aradesh, a multicultural former inhabitant of Vault 15, located five squares east of Vault 13.

Is the NCR in Fallout 2?

Is the NCR in Fallout 4?

Keep in mind that the NCR is located in California, Fallout 4 takes place in Boston roughly 3000 miles away. There’s no easy transportation or communication, so the two coasts are completely independent and unconnected with each other.

How do you get a car in Fallout 2?

How do I get to the gun runners in Fallout 1? From what I recall, you need to go to the Boneyard and head east past the deathclaws (exit sector to the east). The next sector should be the gun runners, and they have a base that’s surrounded by a moat of toxic green sludge.

How do I get the Alien Blaster in Fallout 1? Locations

  1. The alien blaster can be bought from Willy in a random encounter north of Modoc.
  2. Additionally, the alien blaster can be obtained in the Enclave Oil Rig trap room puzzle by repairing a random terminal and having Speech 100% and tagged (and none of the other listed skills the same).

Can you be a girl in Fallout 1?

In Fallout 1, players can choose either a male or female player-character (the Vault Dweller).

Does Fallout 3 have romance? Fallout 3 includes a pair of perks, Lady Killer and Black Widow, which allow the player to romance members of the opposite sex. The option for same-sex romances was introduced in Fallout: New Vegas, with similar perks.

How do you get Tandi as a companion? Temporary companions

  1. After passing one week of in-game time, the Vault Dweller must return to Shady Sands and initiate the quest Rescue Tandi from the Raiders.
  2. She will automatically join once she is freed from her jail cell.

Does shady sands become the NCR? ↑ NCR history holodisk: “Founded eighty years ago, the NCR is now comprised of the states of Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow. Approximately 700,000 citizens are pleased to call NCR home.”

Who founded Shady Sands?

Shady Sands was founded by members of Vault 15 who had left the vault. They used a G.E.C.K. to start their small village, and make it self sufficient. The village was founded in 2142, by 2160 it had become completely self sufficient, having several herds of brahmin and irrigation farms that produced cabbages and corn.

What year does Fallout take place in?

Released in October 1997, Fallout takes place in a post-apocalyptic Southern California, beginning in the year 2161. The protagonist, referred to as the Vault Dweller, is tasked with recovering a water chip in the Wasteland to replace the broken one in their underground shelter home, Vault 13.

Is New Vegas canon? Yes there is no canon ending. House would end the series, he would improve likely the whole world almost back to what it was two hundred years ago. Both NCR and Yes Man are more likley. The NCR repels the Legion in three endings and with the brother hood are a staple of the series.

Is the NCR mentioned in Fallout 3? In Fallout 3, it is mentioned in a terminal of the Citadel. It appears once more in Fallout: New Vegas as one of the major factions fighting over the control of the Mojave Wasteland.

Where is Caesar’s Legion in Fallout 4?

Caesar’s Legion is a ruthless slaver society who is at the doorstep of the NCR (New California Republic) and Mr. House in Fallout: New Vegas.

What do rubber boots do in Fallout 2? In Fallout 2, the boots help greatly in the toxic caves, where puddles of waste are plentiful.

Does Fallout 2 have a time limit? There is no time limit for any of the quests, but there is a hard limit of 13 years for the game itself, after which the game will end. The hard coded time limit of 13 years is still present in Fallout 2.

Where is Fred in the Den? He can be found on the west side of the Den, either in the casino or near Flick’s.

Where are the Deathclaws in Fallout 1?

Gameplay attributes

  1. Deathclaws are not affected by the Animal Friend perk.
  2. The deathclaw located in the deathclaw’s lair has 250 HP and grants 1000 XP.
  3. The mother deathclaw located in the basement of the deathclaw warehouse in the Boneyard has 320 HP and grants 1500 XP.

How do you get into the gun runners kiosk? Approach the kiosk outside the gates of the building, and speak with either the Vendortron, or Isaac, near the Reloading Bench. You can ask about the Gun Runners, inquire about touring the factory (you can’t), and play a game of Caravan.

What does Gun Runners Arsenal add? Description. This add-on increases the number of unique weapons, weapon mods and powerful ammunition types and adds other ammo recipes to be discovered in the Mojave Wasteland. This optional content also adds new challenges and more achievements and trophies.

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