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Who betrayed Grantebridge?

The real traitor is Galinn. After choosing him, he will get executed by Soma.

What happens if you pick the wrong traitor? If you choose Soma’s traitor incorrectly, it’ll affect Soma’s standing with you, and Birna will not join your clan. Galinn will also later admit his guilt and try to murder either Birna or Lif. If you choose Galinn, Birna will eventually join your clan and you will be able to take her on raids.

Is Eivor a Odin? While they don’t become a full member of the Brotherhood, players learn that Eivor is actually a reincarnation of the Norse god, Odin. Through their past life, Valhalla also reveals perhaps the most surprising villain of the entire game.

similarly Can you romance Soma? Of all the people on this list, Soma is the most heartbreaking missed romance option. The entire Grantebridge quest is filled with long looks and subtly-flirty dialogue, suggesting a possible attraction. Also, when Soma writes Eivor, she talks about thinking of them fondly.

What happens if you choose LORK as the traitor?

If you accuse Lork as the traitor, it will result in Estrid getting injured later on in the Essexe story arc. Picking Gerhild as an accuse will ensure that she doesn’t lead to any further troubles, including giving away locations in the future.

Is Sigurd a god? Well, Sigurd is also an Isu. In Eivor’s Norse version of reality, he is the Isu known as Tyr, the Norse God of War, so all that talk of him being a god by the evil Order of the Ancients member Fulke was actually spot on.

How does Eivor betray Sigurd? Eivor steals the wealth from Styrbjorn to take with them to England. Eivor starts a relationship with Randvi (Sigurd’s wife) before she and Sigurd separate. Eivor loses their cool and ends up punching Basim and Sigurd during an argument in Oxenfordscire.

Is HAVI a Odin? Havi may refer to: Hávi, a variant form of Hár, one of the names of Odin, the chief god in Norse mythology.

Can Eivor hook up with Soma?

Is Soma a romance option? The first time Eivor meets Soma, there is clearly some electricity between them even though most of what they talk about is regarding the quest. … Yet, unfortunately, she is not someone that Eivor cannot romance.

Who does Eivor end up with? One of AC Valhalla’s male romantic options is Vili. Eivor has known the man for many years, and they reunite during the Snotinghamscire story arc.

Should you kiss Randvi? The safest choice here is to pick I care for you as a friend. But if you have your heart set on romancing AC Valhalla Randvi, all is not lost. You will be able to hook up with her later on safely, after Sigurd and Randvi break up. This way, you won’t upset Sigurd and risk the ending you’ll get.

Who is traitor gerhild or pork? While neither of them appear to have a good excuse for hunting rabbits when there is already plenty or meat at the camp, it is actually Gerhild who is the traitor.

Does sleeping with estrid affect Randvi?

For instance, sleeping with the Frankish noble Estrid at the end of the Essexe quest line will not affect Eivor’s relationship with Randvi. … As a general rule, one-time flings do not impact relationships.

What happens if you say you care for Randvi?

The safest choice here is to pick I care for you as a friend. But if you have your heart set on romancing AC Valhalla Randvi, all is not lost. You will be able to hook up with her later on safely, after Sigurd and Randvi break up. This way, you won’t upset Sigurd and risk the ending you’ll get.

Is Eivor stronger than Sigurd? 9 Her Bond With Sigurd Was True

Eivor did clash with Sigurd, but the two came out as a stronger duo out of it.

Who is the reincarnation of Freya in AC Valhalla? Svala (died 873) was a Norse seeress and the mother of Valka who lived in the mountains near Fornburg in Rygjafylke, Norway during the 9th century. She was the reincarnation of the Isu Freyja.

Do you fight Sigurd?

Sigurd can’t hurt you so there’s really nothing to this boss fight. Just wack him a couple times with whatever weapon you’d like. Seriously, he can’t hurt you. Let him try — he’ll hit you and knock you down, but it won’t do any damage.

Should you punch Sigurd? Punching both Basim and Sigurd will lower your loyalty with Sigurd and affect the ending. If you choose not to punch Basim or Sigurd then your loyalty will stay the same.

What happens if I betray Sigurd? If you make three or more choices that go against Sigurd, then at the end Sigurd will leave the Raven Clan and go back to Norway. However, if you make three or more choices in support of Sigurd, then he’ll stay with the clan at Ravensthorpe in England.

Does Sigurd find out about Randvi? I feel the same way – Eivor professes their feelings to Randvi, and they make love after a little more chatter. Sigurd will eventually find out about this, and that counts as a choice against him. If you make enough of these, it’ll affect the ending of the story.

Why does Eivor become Havi?

It is eventually revealed that Eivor, Sigurd, and Basim are in fact reincarnations of the Isu named Havi/Odin, Tyr, and Loki respectively, thanks to an Isu plot to survive “Ragnarok,” referring to the Great Catastrophe which destroyed the First Civilization.

How did Eivor get to Asgard? Before the Asgard quest line opens up, you will need to build the Seer’s Hut in Ravensthorpe. … Return to her and she will turn the plants into a potion, and after drinking it, Eivor will pass out, then wake up in Asgard, with Havi’s body.

Is Eivor part of ISU? Eivor Varinsdottir (born 847), also known as the Wolf-Kissed, was a Viking shieldmaiden and jarlskona from Norway who raided in what would become England during the late 9th century. She was the reincarnation of the Isu Odin, the chief of the Æsir who was revered as a god in Germanic and Norse mythology.

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