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What year is Human Revolution set in?

Human Revolution takes place in the year 2027, 25 years prior to the original Deus Ex. The Deus Ex series is set in a cyberpunk future rife with secret organizations and conspiracies: among these forces is the Illuminati. ✔️

What does Adam Jensen weigh? Weight (prior to augmentation): 182 pounds / 82 kg; Height: 6′ 3″ / 1.92m. Eye Color: Blue-Gray (original) Green-yellow (augmented); Hair Color: Dark Brown. Blood Type: O-Negative.

Hereof Are all the Deus Ex games connected? No, the new games are prequels.

Which Deus Ex should you play first? If you want to do so chronologically, you’ll play Human Revolution and Mankind Divided then wait 2–3 years for that quadrilogy to finish up before playing the original and Invisible War.

Is Jensen a clone?

At the black site facility in the Baltic Sea, Adam Jensen’s memories were implanted into a clone body having the same DNA and appearance as his previous body. This clone body inherited the memories and effectively “became” Adam Jensen.

Is JC Denton a clone of Adam Jensen? JC’s deadpan-voice and sarcasm was an influence for Adam Jensen, protagonist of the prequel series. … Denton is the clone of Paul Denton (also voiced by Franke), the first nano-augmented agent in the Deus Ex universe, though ostensibly not the first nano-augmented person.

Is Megan Reed dead? However, Reed was never explicitly shown to have been killed, causing speculation on whether or not she may still be alive among some of her former colleagues. In reality, she was not killed and instead taken to a FEMA camp at Highland Park so Isaias Sandoval could remove her and her team’s GPL implants.

Is Deus Ex cyberpunk? Despite not having a new game in years, the Deus Ex franchise still remains the definitive vision of the Cyberpunk genre in video games. The original game helped set a new standard for choice in video games, giving players multiple ways to solve nearly every problem. …

Are the twin towers in Deus Ex?

The first level of the 2000 video game Deus Ex (set in 2052) encompasses Liberty Island and a bombed Statue of Liberty. The section of the New York City skyline containing the Twin Towers is absent, to reduce memory requirements for the map.

Is Deus Ex dead? Speaking with PCGamesN, David Anfossi confirmed that the Deus Ex is not dead, as it’s the brand of the studio, and all at Eidos Montreal are attached to the franchise. … Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is one of the highest points in the series thanks to its deep story, setting, and gameplay.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 inspired by Deus Ex? Deus Ex essentially served as the template for Cyberpunk 2077’s core, boasting the same blend of fighting, sneaking and hacking. It also shares plenty of themes, like body modification and corporate conspiracies.

Is Deus Ex playable? Share All sharing options for: The best version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution is now playable on Xbox One. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut is now backward compatible on Xbox One, Microsoft announced. Square Enix first released the game on Xbox 360 back in 2013, two years after the original version’s launch.

How many Deus Ex games are there?

The series consists of six games: Deus Ex (2000), Deus Ex: Invisible War (2003), Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011), Deus Ex: The Fall (2013), Deus Ex Go (2016) and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016).

Is Adam Jensen a cyborg?

Adam Jensen is a complex character. He embodies a loss of traditional masculinity through losing both his life and his girlfriend to a cyborg. … He’s rejecting our control of him and eventually embraces his cyborg body, using it to rebel against his boss by going rogue when he discovers his girlfriend is still alive.

Who is Adam Jensen based on? 5. Adam was likely inspired by the character Alex Murphy. Adam preparing for combat. Adam’s beginning in Deus Ex: Human Revolution parallels that of Alex Murphy, better known as RoboCop.

How did Adam Jensen survive orchid? Marchenko attempts to kill Jensen with the Orchid, the same substance used to assassinate Talos Rucker. In its current state, the Orchid is lethal. However, due to the way the Orchid works and Adam’s unique DNA, Jensen survives. During Jensen’s visit to G.A.R.M., he learns that another attack is being planned.

What is a rotten way to go?

What does JC Denton stand for? The ‘JC’ in Deus Ex’s JC Denton really does stand for Jesus Christ | PC Gamer. Gift Guide.

Is Malik in mankind divided? Canonically, Malik survives the events of this mission, as indicated by Deus Ex: Black Light, which states that Jensen is interested in tracking down the whereabouts of Malik in early 2029, and the cereal box Easter egg in Adam Jensen’s apartment in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Is Pritchard augmented? While he shows no physical signs of mechanical augmentation, it is suggested that Pritchard is augmented; after he contacts Jensen during the second visit to Hengsha, and the augmentation glitches are mentioned, Pritchard replies with “We’ve all had them,” suggesting that he was experiencing the glitches as well.

What genre is Adam Jensen?

Adam Jensen is an American rock recording artist, producer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Boston, MA.

Who owns Deus Ex? Deus Ex is a cyberpunk franchise created by Ion Storm and owned and published by Eidos Interactive and later Square Enix.

Will there be another deus ex after mankind divided? Sadly, the Deus Ex series now seems to be on hiatus. Publisher Square Enix had planned for there to be a whole “Deus Ex universe” of games and supporting media, but after Mankind Divided that never really happened.

What did deus ex predict? Deus Ex was released in 2000, a year before 9/11. But the game makes a more direct prediction about terrorism in the 21st Century in its first level, in which (before interrogating the NSF leader) JC is tasked with turfing the NSF out of the Statue of Liberty. … ‘Liberty’ is just a statue.

What is Twin Towers now?

World Trade Center (2001–present)

World Trade Center
Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap
General information
Status Mostly complete
Location New York City

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